A Reunion

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   "Oh! Blast this cloak! I don't know why they make them so long anyway!" Nadette exclaimed as she tripped over it for the third time. 

The woman hadn't even made it all the way up the stairs and she already felt like a fool.  She was nervous.  If it was Erik, would he even want to see her?  Why had he never come back? Was he unable to? Would he even remember her?  But if it was not Erik, what would become of her?  The ghost knew her, having had a conversation earlier that day, but would he be kind to her?

These thoughts completely vanished as one more question invaded her mind.

How was she to find him? 

She supposed she could go to Box 5, but that seemed a little too bold.  She thought maybe she could venture into the Prima Donna's dressing room where Christine said she was taken, but again, she wanted to give the strange man a choice.  Nadette at last decided to go back to her practice room and play once again.  She would play louder, and hope that the man understood she was trying to gain his attention.

When at last she reached the top of the stairs, she opened the door to her practice room and practically flung away her cloak and gloves.  Her hands were shaking, and she breathed on them to warm them.  Nadette knew that would not help.  Her hands were not shaking for the cold, but for her nerves.

Her fingers danced somewhat uncertainly as she warmed up her fingers with several scales.  As she relaxed, she slipped into Erik's song.  She started out in a mezzo piano, rather than a pianissimo, and the notes elevated eventually into a grand fortissimo.  She played with a passion, praying to any god that the man would hear her.

She did not know that he had been waiting behind the mirror to glimpse her again.

Erik was unsure of whether or not he wanted to make himself known to his old friend.  Nadette was a woman now, not the little girl he knew before.  She had made her own way in the world, and was already building a reputation for herself around the theater.  Not only that, but she had been through so much heartache already.  What if he only made her hurt more?

He pondered while he listened to the strange song.  He had already heard it once, but now it seemed more urgent, and the woman was glancing around the room as if she was anticipating someone's arrival.

Could it be...that she was waiting for him?

When the song ended, Erik was so lost in his thoughts that he was startled to hear, "Monsieur Opera Ghost,  I hope you can hear me."

He stood dumbly, with his mouth slightly agape as she continued.

"Christine told me what happened, Monsieur.  I want you to know that it was not entirely your fault.  She should not have done what she did." Nadette said gently, "I wanted to be sure you were alright."

Nadette thought that her heart may pound straight out of her chest as she waited for a response - anything would do.  But only silence, and the sound of her soft breathing reverberated through the room.  She ran a hand through her waves and chuckled dryly.  How could she have thought he would come when she called?  He was a free man, and he was probably so infatuated with the young soprano that he could hardly think of anything else.

"I am alright, Madame Martin." She heard a deep voice say.

She could not help the small jump that she did at the sound, nor could she help the wide grin that spread across her face.

"Good.  I am glad you are here, Monsieur.  I hope you do not mind my playing.  Does it disturb you?" Nadette asked.  Wonderful, she thought, now I am rambling.

"No.  I quite enjoy it." He spoke sincerely.

"I am glad.  You are welcome to listen whenever you wish." The woman smiled at the voice.

"What did she tell you, Madame." The ghost questioned.

Nadette sighed and began to twirl a fountain pen in her fingers, "Well, everything, Monsieur."

"My face?"


"You are to tell no one of it." The voice said.  Erik did try to sound slightly intimidating, but he was more pleased that she was here despite what she had heard.

Nadette once again let out a low, shaky breath, "I am no stranger to such things, Monsieur."

The man behind the mirror stiffened, "Oh?"

"My dearest childhood friend, in fact, my only childhood friend was very different in appearance." She began, nodding along to her statement, "But it did not matter to me.  He was my friend, and he was the kindest soul I had ever known."

Kind. He thought, It was true.  Once upon a time, he was kind.

"What became of him?" Erik questioned.

"His mother," she said darkly, "Told me he had died."

Nadette looked around once again, "But I do not believe that is the truth, Monsieur.  Do you?"

Erik stared at the woman in shock.  So, she did know.  Or at least she suspected.

"No," he said, "I do not."

He studied her face after his reply, and was stunned to see her eyes fill with tears.

I knew it. He thought bitterly, I knew I should not have said anything.

"Oh, Erik," Nadette laughed through her tears, "I am so happy you are alright!  You've no idea how I have missed you."

The man's jaw dropped, not only at the use of his name, but at the thought that she was pleased, "You- you are happy?"

Nadette let out another laugh, "Well of course I am happy! You are alive!"

"I did not think-"

"Erik, you have no idea.  I was heartbroken!  Mama and I had gone round to your house, you know, we were going to take you away from there.  Then your mother told us you had jumped through the window and died." Nadette explained, "I should not have believed her so easily.  I am so sorry."

"You were going to take me away?" He questioned in disbelief.

"Of course.  I couldn't just let her-" Nadette broke off.  Her emotions were nearly overwhelming, "What did happen to you?"

Erik was silent for a few moments, deciding what he wanted to tell her.  Everything he thought, I want to tell her everything.

"That is a long story, Mon Ami, would you like to talk elsewhere?"

Nadette was elated at the prospect of seeing her old friend, "Oh, oh yes! Shall I meet you somewhere?"

Erik's laugh bounced off the walls of the room, "That is not necessary."

Nadette watched in slight awe as the mirror slid aside, and a masked man stepped through.
Whew! Long chapter.  Lots happened, and lots more to come! Stay tuned!


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