An Encore

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Well hello again, Reader. Here we are at the end of the tale but don't worry, this is not the end of Erik and Nadette's story. 

Erik accepted Nadette's impromptu proposal after she assured him that "Yes, Erik I am sure that this is what I want."

They took residence in Nadette's childhood home, and they both made livings off of their music, though Erik composed more than he played in public, that is until he was much older, and his scar began to blend in with the age lines on his face. One person in particular became a collector of all his works, though they never left any clue as to their identity other than the initials C.D.D.

The couple had their suspicions as to who that may be.

When Erik's mother died, and she did so a few days after their visit, the couple attended her funeral. They were the only ones to do so. 

The house and all its contents were left to Nadette. 

She and Erik promptly had it demolished, and turned the area into a great garden, which they opened to the public. 

Madame Giry and her daughter often paid them visits, though less so as the ballet instructor grew older. 

Erik went without his mask more and more as he hated himself less and less. Nadette fed him plenty and he was happy to eat it. He even grew a little round after a few decades of her cooking, which Nadette didn't mind at all.

Unfortunately, they were not granted children, but the pair were not sad for long. When the town's children were not in the garden playing, they were at the Destlers' house, begging for baked treats or asking for music to be played.

They were not always blissful, but they often were. They sometimes angered each other, but usually, they did not. There were things that they wanted and were never given, but the things that they had were those that they needed. They always had each other.

And when Nadette's raven hair grew snow white, and her blue eyes were pale and weak, she held her husband in her arms and assured him that he would be alright without her for a little while and that she would see him again soon. 

Erik lived another two years, but he found she was right. He missed her every day, but the children that had played in their garden grew up and loved the older couple like they were their own parents. They laughed with him and smiled with him, and remembered Nadette fondly. 

They brought him as much joy as they could until finally, blessedly, he joined her.

And so, Reader, you find that Erik and Nadette did not always live happily, and they did not live forever, but they did live.

And they lived well.

The end.

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