A Masquerade

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~Three months later~

As far as anyone could tell, nothing had ever changed about Nadette's work in the three blissful months of the phantom's absence. If anything, she seemed more dedicated. She was even composing!

Nothing had been published of course, but choristers would come into her little piano room and sing her works at her instruction, and she would help them refine their voices.

She had heard nothing at all from the mysterious man beneath the opera house, and she had made no effort to come and see him. There were many times in which she would stand before the mirror, her hand hesitating before the glass. Everything in her told her to push through. To visit her friend. To make sure he was alright. Always, she turned away.

He did not want her.

She would not burden him with her presence.

Besides, tonight was the much anticipated masquerade. Indeed, the opera house was positively buzzing about it.  How nice it would be to finally have a celebration without the interruption of their mischievous specter.

Nadette did not quite share their sentiments.  She hated the idea of Erik sitting alone in the dark, hunched over his music as he composed by candlelight, not knowing how much sanity he had left.

Yet, she was out of time to worry about her phantom.  Two of the choir girls had come to call, and she had promised them that they could help her get ready for tonight's celebration.

The girls had chosen a sultry crimson gown- a color Nadette would have never chosen for herself- and a pair of black lace gloves to match the lace patterned mask they had brought to complete the outfit. She winced at the large costume ruby set in faux silver, but even she had to admit that it went extraordinarily well as her only adornment aside from the mask.

When asked if she should pin up her hair, the girls shook their heads vehemently. Tonight, it would fall freely -wildly- down her back and shoulders. She let herself be led over to the mirror after one of the young ladies carefully applied a crimson lip stain just a few shades darker than her dress.

Even she was in awe of how her icy blue eyes contrasted with her fiery appearance.

The three ladies walked arm in arm to the gala. Each complimenting each other, and smiling as they received compliments from others.

A smiling Meg Giry made her way over to Nadette, and they greeted each other with a gentle embrace. 

"You look stunning!" Grinned Meg, "Like a dream!"

Nadette laughed at the girl, "And you, Meg.  I do believe you're the most beautiful swan anyone has ever laid eyes upon!"

And the two danced with each other, and with those who would ask to join them on the floor, and even Nadette was enjoying herself much more than she had imagined.

And suddenly, everything became very still.  She felt as though a dog had descended upon the party, and she turned with everyone else to see what was the cause of such an ominous feeling.

She should not have been so surprised.

He descended the staircase with what Nadette could only describe as magnificence, yet his aura was terrifyingly intense.

Nadette felt herself pushing through the crowds to hear what was being said, for the first time not caring if those around her thought it odd. She pushed through just as a chain was being ripped from young Christine's neck.

As Erik turned, his eyes registered a flash of red and he paused. His heart nearly stopped when he recognized her beneath the mask. How odd. Her eyes seemed to shine even more brightly than usual. Why would there be tears there? 

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