A Mask

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Their moment ended shortly after it began, with a slightly awkward shared chuckle. Erik took her on a tour of his home, showing her his drawings and his music. He took special pride in his organ. Nadette enjoyed it of course, but she couldn't help but notice how he rubbed at his mask.

"Is it bothering you?" Nadette asked after he had fidgeted with it.

"Hm? Oh, not really. It's just that sometimes it rubs. It can be uncomfortable." He explained.

"Take it off if it bothers you. You know I don't mind." Nadette hurried to continue after Erik met her eyes in alarm, "I don't want you to if you feel uncomfortable, of course."

"It's just," The man began, "It has been so long since... What if it is worse than you remember? I could not bear it if you were afraid of me."

"Is that all you are worried about? Erik, I am not like your mother, or those gypsies, or Christine," Erik flinched at that, but she continued, "I am your friend. And you are mine. That has not changed. I only want you to feel that you can trust me."

Erik was silent at that, he pondered her words as she went back to rifling through his drawings and designs. Could he still trust her? It had been years, after all. Yet, she had not been frightened then, but she had grown up! The world had now told her that different was something to be shunned!

"Alright." He whispered, "Alright."

The man took a seat in one of the small armchairs and shut his eyes, slowly removing his mask and wig.

Very soon, he felt gentle fingers running down either side of his face. His eyes remained shut, for fear that this was a dream, and if he opened his eyes he would awake to a dark reality.

"It's alright, Erik." He heard, and it took him back to his childhood, when she had seen his face for the first time, "It's alright."

The woman bent down to place a gentle kiss on her friend's forehead, and his eyes snapped open to meet hers. How could she, who was so beautiful and so pure, stand to be near a monster such as himself?

"Thank you," he breathed, "thank you."

Over and over he told her, and when she wrapped her arms around him, he pulled her close and continued repeating the words into her shoulder.

When at last they broke away, Nadette announced sadly that she had to go, or she would miss rehearsal tonight.

"May I come and see you sometimes?" She inquired as he escorted her back up.

"If you'd like." He smiled.

"Well then," she grinned, "Until next time."

"Yes," Erik agreed, "Until then.

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