A Lesson

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The next day, Nadette was sitting at the piano in her practice room, reading over the sheet music for the Phantom's masterpiece. It was everything she had expected it to be, and she couldn't help but grin a little when she realized he had kept her contribution to the climactic duet.

She was ironing out the difficult parts of the piano piece - Erik had not gone easy on his friend - when she heard a soft knock at the door.

"Come in," She called while squinting at the odd chord arrangement, "I'll be just a moment."

She heard the door click as it opened, and once again as it shut behind her visitor.  She resolved the measure she was practicing and turned to look at her guest, confusion settling in her mind.

"Hello Christine," She began, "Can I do something for you?"

"Nadette," the soprano replied rather sheepishly, fiddling with the hem of her sleeve.  Her eyes seemed to be glued to the floor.

Nadette sighed slightly, "Your fiancé has already asked about your angel, Christine.  I must let you know that I will tell you no more than I told him."

"No, that isn't," Christine started, "I actually came to ask a favor."

The older woman raised an eyebrow, "Of what kind?"

"This opera," The girl answered, "For one my part is proving to be rather difficult.  He was right.  I still have much to learn."

"And secondly?" Nadette prodded.

Christine's cheeks seemed to darken, "I don't exactly understand its...content. The rumors about Roul and I aren't true, you know.  We haven't...been intimate.  He's a gentleman.  Truly."

"You're afraid that if you do not know what it is to be with a man, then your performance will be unrealistic? Is that it?"

The soprano nodded slightly.

Nadette allowed herself only a moment to consider being petty to the poor girl.  She had caused Erik pain, that was certain, but even he knew that she hadn't meant to.  Nadette's mother always told her to be kind.  So that is exactly what she would do.

Nadette's face lit up in a warm smile as she patted the bench beside her, "Come.  We have some things to discuss."

Half an hour later, Christine's voice could be heard through the catacombs of the opera house, filled with a new sort of maturity her angel had not yet heard of her. However surprising this fact was, he was more shocked at the lower alto singing the tenor's part alongside her.

Soon enough he found himself staring at the two women as their voices blended beautifully together in the midst of his masterpiece. He found immense pleasure in the sound, but he was rather confused at the context.

Hadn't Christine been angry at Nadette recently? Was Nadette not worried about what Christine must think of her? Of them both?

He resolved to ask Nadette about the encounter later. Surely she had guessed he would watch.

The song concluded, and Erik had to consciously tell himself not to applaud them. To his surprise, and to the surprise of the two women, someone else had heard them and had begun to clap.

Roul DeChagny entered the room with a somewhat sheepish smile. Erik stiffened, the pleasure he had experienced at hearing the women dissipating.

"That was marvelous, darling." He said to Christine, who raised an eyebrow at her fiancé.

"Thanks to Mme. Martin, Roul."

"Of course." He murmured, seemingly put out at having been told to acknowledge the older woman. "Christine, are you ready for lunch?"

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