chapter 002 // prologue - u.a sports festival

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(think it might be short, I don't know for sure though)

= Jitami Christian POV =

"Now would you please welcome the transfer student from the Support Course, Class 1-H. Don't do anything you'll regret either, & I'm looking at you Bakugou." the teacher, Mr Aizawa, had said with a bored tone

"HAH?!" then a girl chestnut brown hair walked in, she also wore transparent rimmed glasses & had freckles spread across her face "Oh no..."

"Hello! My name is Jitami Christian! Its a pleasure to meet you!" the girl with a thick Norwegian accent had said while waving her hand towards the class

"Huh?! What the fuck are you doing here you bitch?!" a student with a explosive attitude had yelled at the girl, she merely looked at him & a wide smirk came onto her face "What the fuck is with that look?!"

"Well well well, if it isn't 2nd place." he started fuming while the girl laughed & readjusted her glasses, she looked at the other students & waved "Oh, hey Mashirao & Shouto!" Mashirao smiled & waved while Shouto nodded his head, a small smile making it's way to his face



"You say their name's but not mine?!" she smirked at him 

"Well, I respect them more then I respect you... 2nd place." that did it. he jumped towards her & everyone reached out towards her--

Let me pause right there. You all might be wondering, who the fuck am I & this crazy guy that's trying to get to the girl with four eyes. Well that's me, like I said, the name is Jitami Christian. I have short chestnut brown hair, freckles across my face while transparent rimmed glasses sat on the bridge of my nose. Most people call me Chris, Genius, Nerd, Geek & sometimes even Freak... but I love those nicknames!

Like Mr Aizawa had said, I was the transfer student from class 1-H from the Support Course. How did I get myself from the Support Course to the Hero Course? Well for that story my pretty pretties, we need to go a few weeks back where I was still in class 1-H!

"Hey hey Chris!" I turn my head to see my energetic friend grinning at me

"Hey hey Chris!" I turn my head to see my energetic friend grinning at me

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"Oh hey Mei!"

"Are you excited?!" my face then mirrors hers

"Hell yeah I am! I want to prove to them that even someone from the Support Course can get into the Hero Course! What about you Mei?"

"You already know the answer to that! I'm going to show off my babies to the Agencies that might want to recruit me! Its going to be wonderful Chris!"

"Mm mm! Your inventions are amazing!"

"Why thank you! Maybe even my favorite hero might like me! The Robotic Hero: Micro!" she was then rambling on while I laugh nervously & looked away "Don't you agree?! Working with Mr Micro would be a dream come true!!"

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