chapter 011 // hero training

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= Third Person POV =

"I'm Uraraka Ochako, Christian-san! I hope we can become great friends!" the girl introduced to Chris, who was currently leaning back in her chair with her legs propped on the table "We already exchanged names but, we wanted to be direct with you." she nodded her head

"I am Yaoyorozu Momo, Vice Class Representative! If you need help with anything, yet I highly doubt that, just either come to me or Iida-san."

"I'll remember that."

"Ashido Mina! I'm not really anything important but if you need help with a party or to lighten a mood, I'm your gal!"

"Asui Tsuyu, but call me Tsu-chan."

"Heya! My name is Hagakure Tooru! If you need anyone to talk too, I'm that person that keep the conversation going!!"

"& lastly me, I'm Jirou Kyouka. I enjoy listening to music so if you wanna jam out or chill, I might be your person." Chris pursed her lips before smiling & readjusting her glasses & sitting up straight

"Y'all obviously know me! Jitami Christian, though in Norway its pronounced as Christian Jitami. One of the reasons I say your first names then you surnames! Sorry for being disrespectful but, its grown as a bit of a habit!" they shook their heads

"Its completely understandable." she lightly smiled at that, she was then approached by the blonde, red head & ravenette

"Heyo! Heard we were doing direct introductions! I'm Kirishima Ejirou!"

"You already know me as Kaminari Denki!" he then winked "& I'm still up for that date." she rolled her eyes

"But I won that fight, I demolished you sparky boy." he blushed & looked away "& that idiotic face you made was so cute~" she teased

"Ah hahaha! Very funny!"

"It is." then the ravenette cleared his throat

"I'm still here."


"Its alright. I'm Sero Hanta, pleasure to meet you!" he stuck his hand out to her so she stood up & shook it, Kirishima then noticed something

"Ma~an! Your just as tall as Sero, Chris!" she hummed "Stand back to back." they do so & Yaoyorozu estimated their heights

"He's right! You two are the exact height! Which is taller then me." they look at each other before high fiving

"Cool!" the bell had rung so everyone got to their seats, that including Chris since her next class would be basic hero training. What she heard from the others was that they either get to do combat training, which is her personal favorite, or rescue training where sometimes they get to go to the U.S.J to rescue people from landslides, floods, natural disasters etc, etc. They even get to wear their hero costumes & since she works at that support course, she already has her costume in check

"I am here!!" a voice yelled, she looked towards the door & she smiled a bit when All Might walked through the door

"All Might!" a few cheered

"We will be doing something a little different then usual so as soon as you change into your hero costumes, wait outside of the changing rooms so I can lead you to a new training simulator built by the Robotic Hero: Micro!" she internally squealed to herself proudly, on the outside she was kicking her legs a bit while grinning

"Uh... are you okay Christian?" she waves her hand at Sero as her smile dies down a bit to a soft one 

"I'm alright! Its just that Micro is one of my favorite heroes! My idol even! I hope I get to intern with him." she says, lying in a hopeful manner

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