chapter 007 // christian vs iida

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(so I'm listening to English sub of Iida & he apparently says -kun at the end of both female & male names. Didn't know cause I listened to English dub)

 Didn't know cause I listened to English dub)

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= Third Person POV =

Chris sat down in her seat & sighed happily, next up was Iida & Hatsume, she wonders what Hatsume has in store for him... probably something that'll embarrass him. The two were finally called on & she sees Hatsume wearing all her support gear, she looked over at Iida &...

"I was right..." she guessed Hatsume had somehow gotten him to wear a few of her inventions. Midnight told him that he couldn't wear it without a special reason, like that Aoyama guy & his belt. He said something about her pride, yada yada ya, & Midnight allowed it after yelling something about youth?

"I'll allow it!"

"So its fine?" Present Mic questioned, Chris sunk down in her seat & sweat dropped

"I wonder how this is gonna go." her classmates nodded, the battle between the two was just hard to watch for Chris. Every time Iida runs at her she was able to maneuver away using her gadgets "This is so... painful."

"I agree." 10 minutes later Hatsume stepped out of the ring & was sweating a little bit

"I have nothing left to say."

*The End*

"You tricked me!!" Iida yelled "I should've listened to Christian-kun!!"

"Told you so!!" Hatsume laughed nervously as she looked away

"I'm sorry. I used you."

"I hate you!!!" Christian laughed lightly, over at Class 1-A's side we see Midoriya writing in his notebook about Chris, the whole class just sweat dropped. Uraraka loomed over & saw that he was currently drawing her war hammer

"I wonder if its super heavy & she's extremely strong."

"Nope, if I remember she said something along the lines that the metal was strong but light." Kaminari pointed out

"So even when your an idiot you can hear her." Jirou said while snickering a bit

"Of course I can Jirou!" Midoriya shook his head & looked over at Chris & her class, she was currently awkwardly laughing while scratching her cheek. She blinked & looked over at his direction, he jolted up but stopped when she gave him a toothy grin & waved before mouthing out

"Good luck against Shouto!" he then remembered that & instantly was sweating up a storm, she covered her mouth

"Opps..." Todoroki was a pretty tough opponent & she wasn't so sure how strong Midoriya was "I think I scared him by reminding him of his fight against Shouto."

"No shit." she shrugged, Uraraka patted his shoulder & soon enough Iida came back with a pretty flustered face

"Christian-kun tried to warn me but Hatsume-kun stopped her from doing so. I wish I could've listened to her!" he cried out as he clenched his hand into a fist

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