chapter 025 // the heroic 8

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= Jitami Christian =

By personal choice & also William's, & not just because we're friends, I choose Sai, Mae, Fiora, Shiki (she respects him now), Kotarou, Hitoshi, Monoma & of course myself. Of course everyone got extremely pissed off that the 8 of us got picked but come on, we were the only ones that actually improved. William actually updating a few people's stats & that made me proud that my lessons are actually helping people

Currently the 8 of us were in the city, sitting outside at a table, waiting for our food. By my word I let all my interns & even my sidekicks, to have a day off. Some of my sidekicks decided they'd stay at the agency while the rest took a load off to spend time with their families, the 8 of us decided that we should hang out so that's what were doing now

"Man I'm kinda glad I got to intern with Mr Micro, if I hadn't I don't think I would've learned the things I know now!" Shiki exclaimed before turning to me & grinning "So thank you Christian for teaching me those things!" I couldn't help but blush & turn away while pushing my two index fingers together

"N-No... it was nothing...!" they all laughed

"It doesn't like you do well with compliments, four eyes!" I hear Chiyo laugh

"M-Mm... when I was younger I'd usually get compliments from my family, not from people." they raise an eyebrow

"Did you have friends at all, Jitami?" Monoma asked me, I shrug as I lean back in the chair I was sitting in while crossing my arms

"Not really." I chuckle a bit "Would you believe me if I told you that I use to get bullied when I was younger?" they all gasp as they shot off their seats

"You were what?!" I awkwardly laugh as I try to calm them down, what they did just now cause a lot of eyes to turn our way "There's no way! You seem so happy!"

"Plus you seem like the bully." Hitoshi bluntly said, I sweat drop

"Eh hehe, when I was younger I was very anti-social & shy, I would always sit in the corner & just read... I was the outcast. When I did get a friend I thought the world was finally on my side & I wouldn't be alone anymore... then when my quirk finally developed & I found out what she was actually doing..." I tsk "I lashed out at her & beat the absolute shit out of her! She made my life miserable, so I gave her the exact same pain she gave me!" I look up at them & jump a little, Sai, Shiki & Kotarou were at the verge of tears, Mae & Chiyo looked shocked while Monoma & Hitoshi looked furious

"Well where is she now? We'll kick her ass as well." Monoma said as he cracked his knuckles, but regret it when he winced "Ow..." I shook my head as I waved my hand

"No no no! Its nothing, that was 11 years ago! I've moved on! Even so, I bet she'd be too scared to see my face again!" I say to reassure them, it calm them down... slightly but they still had a pissed off look in their eyes "Aw~ I didn't know that you guys would've cared even though we just met."

"Yeah, but you united us! I mean, I got a girlfriend because of you!" we all sweat drop

"Yeah, cause I misunderstood the situation." Mae had said "I'm still sorry about that, Christian-san." I shook my head

"No problem, its nothing really." soon enough our food arrived & we ate like there was no tomorrow, I never mentioned this but I can eat a whole restaurant worth of food, or more. I laugh when I noticed Sai trying to keep with me but failed to do so when he started choking on his food, Mae noticed & offered him some water

"Stop laughing Christian-san!"

"Sorry sorry." she huffed but cracked a small smile

"What's up with what your wearing?" Kotarou suddenly asked, that made me look down at what I was wearing

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