chapter 046 // no way...

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= Jitami Christian =

"Kyros huh..." I mutter to myself, I was sitting in my home office with Captain asleep on my lap. I was researching Kyros's name in the dead of night & everyone was asleep, everyone except me of course. I rub my chin before sighing & leaning back into my chair, I groan as I rub the back of my neck before rubbing Captain's head, who seemed to have loved my touch & leaned in

I hear him whine when I pull away & I just sense him look up at me before his ears flickered a bit, when that happened I had taken my glasses off & rubbed the bridge of my nose. I let out a sigh this time as I lean even more back into my chair, I felt Captain nudging my chest so I look down & see him giving me a worried look saying 'are you okay, mama?'

"Mm, mama's okay baby, I'm just tired is all." he gave me a pouty with a whine as his ears went down "I swear, but I really need to find out who this guy is. He sounds & looks familiar, but I can't just seem to remember." as soon as I said that I lean my forehead onto the palm of my head with my elbow resting on my knee, as soon as I let out a frustrated sigh Captain licked under my chin

"Woof woof!" I gave him a soft smile as I put a finger to my lips

"Sh Captain, people are sleeping." I suddenly got an idea where I could possibly find him, I pick him up then set him down on the small one person couch in my home office before slipping back into my chair & writing this into the search tab

"Hero Network"

An internet service that only those that have a pro license can use. You can see activity reports & also apply for help from heroes with useful quirks worldwide, though I needed help with finding this certain person & I had a sickening feeling he was down in the villains category. With that I was scrolling through various sightings of him & maybe that hooded figure, it took what seemed like an hour but I finally found him

Smoke Demon:

Multiple accounts of:
Attempted Murder
Destruction of Property 

Even with a mask that covered his face I could just recognize him, I scroll through more pictures of him & my eyes widened when standing beside him, was Daichi the Psychopath. He was all bloody with shrunken pupils & he also had this psychotic smile on his face with razor sharp teeth, he looks exactly the same as back then at the training camp, I shook my head. There was multiple comments on what could be Daichi's quirk since with all his victims they said they saw him with multiple quirks

"7 to be exact..."

One of his victims suffered from a poison...
Another had been nearly been frozen to death...
Several had gotten multiple cuts...
Others had received broken bones, but mostly the ribs...

"He could breath ice!"

"His skin was almost as touch as steel...!"

"He could crush people with his arms before changing into a snake & crushing them!"

"His body could change into a state of liquid that was as cold as liquid nitrogen! His victims would freeze to death!"

Ice Breath
Shard Manipulation
Liquid Nitrogen (opposite of Geothermal)
Venomous Bite
Steel Skin
Superhuman Strength
Superhuman Healing Factor

He was working under All for One so that could be the reason for multiple quirks, then the transformation snake one be his original quirk!

"Christian?" I shriek & as I slam my hands onto my keyboard the tab closed, I look over & I see my uncle "What are you doing up on a school night?"

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