chapter 091 // preparations pt. 2 - dresses & suits

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= Christian H. Jitami Drakos =

"WAKE UP!!" I let out a groan as I cling to Hitoshi when I heard this, he did the same by holding me closer "We're going out buying dresses Chris-san!" I open one eye & see all the girls in our room & a few boys, I look up at Hitoshi before rolling my eyes & covering the both of us with the blankets

"... mm, later..." I cling onto him tighter when they forcefully ripped the blanket off of us, I look up at them "We have all... the time in the world, to get dresses. Why now?" they all look at each other then back at me

"We want a tour around Norway as well." I merely stare at them before letting out a groan 

"... get out, give me a few minutes to get ready." they grin before leaving, I tap Hitoshi's arm "Let go baby, mama needs to get up." he let out a tired moan as he shook his head

"Mmmm no...!" I narrow my eyes at him before gliding my hands to his side & shocking him lightly, I hear him let out a shriek & that made me laugh, he shot up & I slowly started to sit up as well "Why, Chris?" I lightly flick his forehead

"I told you, mama has to get up because her friends are being absolutely difficult." I let out a tired laugh when I see him pout, I kiss his cheek as I get out of bed & walked into the shared bathroom, I look into the mirror & see that my hair was a complete mess as drool ran down the side of my mouth, I sniffed & rubbed the drool off my then did my hair a bit while brushing my teeth. I chuckle when I hear Hitoshi flop back onto the bed, there was silence until I heard him call out my name


"Hmm?" I hummed from the bathroom, toothbrush still in my mouth as I was styling my hair

"Where are you?"

"Bathroom...!" there was silence for a couple seconds



"You better not be using my toothbrush again!" I blink then I looked down at the toothbrush I was using & froze, labeled on it was Hitoshi in bold letters, I spat out the toothpaste & water that was in my mouth & replied

"Of course, of course!"

"Good." I walk back into our room & placed my hand on his head & kissed it "... I'm so lucky to be in love with you, Chris." I nod my head

"Me too." I change into comfortable casual clothes before leaving our room, as soon as I stepped out I was suddenly grabbed by the girls & rushed out the front door, I stare at them in confusion but suddenly Tooru brought her index & thumb to her lips & whistled loudly, soon enough a limo appeared in front of us, the window rolled down & in the front seat was Veronika 

"Get in ladies." I point at it

"I forgot we owned a limo..." I then scoff to myself "I forgot we owned various cars as well." Mina smacked my arm

"We can tell! Your aunt & your uncle showed us to the garage & there were shit loads of cars! & They said that you built a couple!" I think for a moment before nodding my head

"That's right." I was suddenly smacked in the head by Mae & Mei

"Fuck that right now, we're dresses at the moment then we're getting that tour you promised us!" I look back towards the manor

The Robotic Hero (Boku no Hero Academia Fan Fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora