chapter 037 // hospital

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(happy fucking birthday to Bakugou as well! I have the same month as him, though my birthday is on the 26th of April!)

= Third Person =

Vlad King was the one that called it in, & 15 minutes after the villains fled the ambulance & fire fighters arrived. Of the 41 students who were present, 15 were rendered unconscious by the villains' gas attack. They're still in critical condition. 12 sustained injures both minor & crave, 13 were unscathed &... one student's whereabouts are still unknown. Of the 6 pro heroes, 1 is in critical condition from head trauma & the whereabouts about another are unknown, though she left a large pool of blood at the scene

On the other hand,3 of the villains' entourage were successfully captured. The others abandoned them... & vanished without a trace. & the boot camp they were all so looking forward to drew to a close with a catastrophic results.

"Ah, Midoriya! Your up!" he perks up when he heard his name so he looked over towards the door & saw Kaminari

"Huh?" then in came him & the entire class

"Did you watch an T.V?! U.A's all over the news, its pretty bad."

"You can't compare it to last spring man."

"We all brought you a melon!" if Chris was here she'd just question why Mineta even brought a bloody melon, speaking of which, he goes to ask about her but he said something else

"Everybody is class a came... just for me?" Iida then stepped forward as he shook his head

"Jirou & Hagakure are still unconscious because of the gas. & Yaoyorozu is also here at the hospital after sustaining serious head trauma. She regained consciousness just yesterday, so that's why those three couldn't make it..."

"Where is Chris-san?" they all look at each other before shrugging

"We have no idea. She was in such a horrible state the doctors stated that she'd have to be in the hospital for months, but when they went to check up on her yesterday... she was gone. Like fully gone!" Sero explained "I came to visit her but..."

"All of us make 15..." Uraraka added

"Because Bakugou is gone..." Ashido looked over at him with widened eyes


"I... my hands, they could have reached him! I had to save him, I was suppose to save him without fail...! That's the reason why my quirk exists... that's what its for! But it all went just like Mr Aizawa said it would... my body... I couldn't move!" that was when Kirishima said the impossible

"Then lets go save him this time around." everyone looked at him with widened


"Truth is, me... & Todoroki, we came yesterday too..." he started to explain that he heard All Might & Yaoyorozu's conversation on how she was able to get the student from class b to wield a tracked onto the Nomu that was there then she made a tracker so they could track it, Kirishima's was to get Yaoyorozu to make a tracker for them, Iida was immediately in denial with their plan as he recalled the time Manual & Chris talked to him back at the hospital in Hosu

"Either way, we will need to take responsibility for being negligent in our supervisory duties." 

"I am truly sorry."

"You should be. You'll cause trouble for others! If you understand, then don't do it again!"

"I won't!" 

"I know we met properly right after the sports festival but, I do care about you guys! Even if we just met, I get very overprotective with the things I care about, & it happens to be you guys & the rest of class 1-A."   

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