chapter 003 // obstacle course

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(i'm sorry if this chapter is boring, I'll try to make it interesting)

= Third Person POV =

"Begin!!" & the festival begun, Chris stayed back as she watched all students basically get cramped in the narrow entrance. It was quite funny watching, she got in a sprinting position before shooting off the ground & activating her power boots & jumping over all the students. She suddenly got chilly & once she was out of the tunnel her eyes widened when she saw the ground frozen with ice

"What the hell?!" once she landed on the ground she had immediately had trouble staying on her feet without falling on her ass, but she pulled through "Dammit, it must've been that Todoroki guy." she tsked before skating across the ice easily zipping pass people rather quickly, she was close to Todoroki when she turned around & saw at least 4 other students from 1-A flying over the ice

"How naive, Todoroki-san!" the girl with black hair yelled

"I won't let you get away! Half & half bastard!!" Bakugou yelled as he propelled himself using his explosive quirk

"Their class are full of loud mouths." she muttered as she carried on skating across the ice

"I didn't expect so many people to dodge that, mostly those from other classes." suddenly purple balls were placed on the icy surface & that same perverted kid from 1-A was jumping on them rather easily

"You think your so cool but I've outsmarted you! How pathetic Todoroki!! Eat this, my special attack!! Gra--" but he was cut off when something hit him away & sent him flying

"Mineta-kun!!" the kid with curly green hair yelled

"That oughta hurt." she said as she skid to a stop, she looked over & her eyes widened slightly when she saw dozens of robots

"Targets acquired, terminate!"

"Its those robots... from the entrance exam!"

"Oh! Enemies have showed up out of nowhere! I bet we're in for a treat here! A test of strength, its a Robo Inferno!!" Present Mic yelled as giant robots towered over the students

"Are those the 0 point villains from the practical test?!" a blonde with a black streak yelled in dismay


"We have to fight those?!"

"There's no way!!" Chris rolled her eyes & tapped a few buttons on her holographic glove

"What a bunch of sissys."

"So this is what the other students faced in their entrance exams." Todoroki muttered

"Where does the school even get the funding for these things?" the same girl with black hair said, as soon as she said that a 0 pointer bot went straight for Todoroki, he took a step forward & the ground beneath him froze

"If they went through all this trouble I wish they prepared something more difficult." he said as he crouched down on the ground, but before his hand could make contact with the ground someone had used him as a jumping board & shot up towards the villain bots arm

"Sorry, but you were babbling on for a little too long Todoroki!"

"Its one of the foreign exchange students from Class 1-H, Jitami Christian, who's climbing up the giant robot like its nothing!" she smirked & jumped off towards its face with her fist back & she felt her glove activate this time

"Lets see you handle this!!" & she smashed the 0 pointer bot's head into pieces & sent it flying back (like how Midoriya did it)

"WHOA!! Did you see that?!"

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