chapter 018 // hosu city

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= Jitami Christian =

It was the 3rd day of the internships & all has gone smoothly, other then the fact I accidentally said a line that I usually say as Micro so now whenever we're training I see Lune & Haku keeping an extra close eye on me. KAREN has been nagging at me that it was too close, that I should just shut my mouth & go along with every--

"Omigosh! Its Micro!" I perk up & there before us, is "Micro". Technically KAREN is the one controlling the suit so I can be here while Micro is here as well at the same time, though I still had to keep up the act so I put on the fake blush & started acting all giddy & excited

"Oh man, I can't believe we're meeting THE Micro!" I say, Hitoshi just shrugged but I could just tell he was excited, same with Monoma

"I know!" Sai answered from beside me "This is both exciting & nerve wracking!" I nodded to myself, others that were around us nodded as well

"It is a pleasure to meet you all young Interns, I was busy working abroad in Norway, but now I have returned! I hope you all have been training hard & behaving properly, but who were the ones that defeated my star Training Bot KRIEGER?" the three of us raised our hands

"W-We did... sir." Monoma answered nervously, which made me giggle a bit, Micro approached Monoma & patted his head

"There's no need to be frightened young man, I apologize if I intimidate a few of you too, its just the suit." they (gonna refer to KAREN being in the suit as they) clapped their hands & a virtual screen appeared with a list of names "Okay, since I cancelled patrols yesterday we will be starting them today! With the help of my lovely friend KAREN, I have set you into pairs & together you'll be with a sidekick that will be patrolling around different parts of the country. Thanks to my technology I, or we, were able to invent something that makes travelling much easier." Micro gestured to William, who shakily approached

"T-Together, Micro-san & I-I were able to build T-Teleportation Bracelets!"

"T-Together, Micro-san & I-I were able to build T-Teleportation Bracelets!"

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Teleportation Bracelets:

Basically its in the name though the wearer has to put in the exact location they want to go & have a vivid image of said place so they won't just accidentally be dropped into a garbage bin.

"Whoa! They look simple but cool!" an intern gushed, they go to grab it but Lune smacked their hand back

"Not yet, carry on William-kun." he explained how they worked & even demonstrated it, he was with us until poof! He was gone, he reappeared again but had a bowl of ramen noodles

"They work like a charm, Micro-san!" William cheered with a great smile, it made my heart melt, just seeing him happy just makes me happy

"That's awesome!"

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