chapter 013 // interning with "micro"

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= Jitami Christian =

"Do you all have your costumes? Remember that wearing them out in public when your not suppose to is prohibited, & don't loose them either." Aizawa instructed

"Yeeeeah!!" Mina cheered while jumping in the air

"Speak properly! That's yes sir, Ashido."

"Yes sir..." I laughed lightly as her tone turned from a cheery one to a bummed out one, today was the day where we were going to our internships, aka me trying to figure out a way for me to be there as Micro & Chris

"Urgh, this is gonna be tough..." I mutter to myself before looking back up at Aizawa again

"Please mind your manners with the other heroes during your internships. Now get to it." 

"Yes sir!" everyone went their separate ways & I go to too but was stopped when I felt a hand slam onto my shoulder

"Christian-kun!" I shrieked while jumping in the air, I turn around & calm myself when I saw it was Tenya

"Oh T-Tenya, what is it?" he then bowed a bit while presenting me a container full of cookies, I tilt my head to the side "Uh? Why are you giving me this? What did I do?" he stood up straight

"I heard that you were interning with Micro, correct?" I nod "Since he saved my brother my mother had baked cookies for him as a thank you, so please give these to him!" I blink before taking them as a small blush made it's way to my cheeks, usually when I save people I get a thank you, a kiss on the helmet or they send dozens of flowers to me, but never has anyone hand baked goods for me, well, in a long time that is

"O-Of course! I know he'd appreciate it!" which I totally do, I see him smile

"Thank you Christian-kun!" he goes to walk off but I stop him

"Hold on, um, which agency are you going to?" I see him flinch a bit

"Oh! I'm going to the Normal Hero: Manual's, in Hosu City!" I raise an eyebrow at that

'Oh man! That's where Tensei was hurt & left to die by the Hero Killer! Please don't tell me he's--' I swallow thickly & give him a quick hug

"Hey man, I know for sure you got better offers then Manual & I have a sickening feeling that I hope is wrong. Just know that if you ever need to talk to someone, I'll be there. Don't do anything to reckless in Hosu, Iida (when she's serious, extremely pissed or very upset she says their last names)!" I said as I punched his shoulder "Now see ya in a week or if I'm lucky, a few days if we encounter each other!" with that I skipped away

My agency was located in Roppongi, the home to numerous offices & one of the largest business districts in Tokyo, mine being one of the most famous ones. It took about a couple hours on the train to get there but hey, it meant I got to take a nap before I have to start all this fucking bullshit! I miraculously found myself in front of my agency & just kinda marvelled at it

 It took about a couple hours on the train to get there but hey, it meant I got to take a nap before I have to start all this fucking bullshit! I miraculously found myself in front of my agency & just kinda marvelled at it

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