chapter 001 // profile

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Name: Christian "Havana" Jitami
Alias: Micro, Chris, Jitami, Tami or Jiji
Relatives: Morgana Havana (mother, deceased), Jitami Kaiteki (father, deceased) & KAREN (robotic mother)
Nationality: Half Norwegian (mother) Half Japanese (father)
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Birthday: December 20th
Height: 177cm (5"9 1/4)
Age: 15

Power: 4/5 B
Speed: 4/5 B
Technique: 5/5 A
Intelligence: 6/5 S
Cooperativeness: 2/5 D


Christian is quite the snarky & cocky girl, doing anything in her power to piss off or frustrate the ash blonde explosion boy. Despite that, she is still pretty mature & smart for someone her age. When working on projects she's quiet & lost in her own train of thought, thinking of different ideas for new inventions she can build in the future. Other then that, she also takes training very seriously & she most preferably likes to work alone but will work with others if she has too, but she loves working with Hatsume Mei.


She is very muscular & when she trains she puts a headband on so her bangs won't get in her face & tries to tie a small ponytail, the same when she's building stuff. She's quite tall & is the tallest female in her class. She has short brown hair & wears transparent rimmed glasses, sometimes she sets them on her head when she doesn't have a headband. Tanned skin with freckles across her face as well, she has bright blue eyes but can turn dull & pale when she's serious.

Quirk (1): High Spec

Just like her Principle, Nedzu, it makes her one of the smartest people in the entire world, but she prefers to be the second smartest person, right after the Principle himself. Thanks to that quirk she is capable of learning almost anything in just a few seconds then most people, its also the reason why she's one of the greatest inventors despite her age.

Quirk (2): ???

To be revealed in future chapters

Weapons/Gadgets (if you have better names, hit me up):

Elemental War Hammer: known by its name, she created a simple but large war hammer & was able to set 4 stones into it & whichever stone she chooses, it'll be able to control that element & even its specialized elements (e.g, blue = water/ice).

Power Gauntlets & Boots (shit at names): they give her even more strength then what she has, it can even match up to All Might's SMASHES but she doesn't want to test that theory out of fear that he might break them

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Power Gauntlets & Boots (shit at names): they give her even more strength then what she has, it can even match up to All Might's SMASHES but she doesn't want to test that theory out of fear that he might break them. Same with the boots, it gives her much more powerful kicks & she can jump high into the air.

 Same with the boots, it gives her much more powerful kicks & she can jump high into the air

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Hoverboots & Hoverboard: given by their name, her Power Boots can change into the hoverboots & she is able to glide through the air, the same thing for her hoverboard

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Hoverboots & Hoverboard: given by their name, her Power Boots can change into the hoverboots & she is able to glide through the air, the same thing for her hoverboard.

Hoverboots & Hoverboard: given by their name, her Power Boots can change into the hoverboots & she is able to glide through the air, the same thing for her hoverboard

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Invisible Bracelets: given by that name whoever wears the bracelets it can make it's user fully invisible to the naked eye & whatever they touch that can also go invisible as well

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Invisible Bracelets: given by that name whoever wears the bracelets it can make it's user fully invisible to the naked eye & whatever they touch that can also go invisible as well.

Invisible Bracelets: given by that name whoever wears the bracelets it can make it's user fully invisible to the naked eye & whatever they touch that can also go invisible as well

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Holographic & Grappling Gloves: she wears them 24/7 & its basically a holographic computer she can take everywhere with her. She can even make holograms of herself, & other people, & make them solid & also make things fly through them whenever she wants. There are also grappling hooks built into her gloves & the wires can shoot out up to 25 meters, she's trying to make it longer though.

 There are also grappling hooks built into her gloves & the wires can shoot out up to 25 meters, she's trying to make it longer though

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