[13] *~Alistair's Route~*

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//So, I was at my midnight art roll some nights ago and here are a bunch of doodles (☆ω☆*)Also, as you can see there's a tiny spoiler so I'm sowwy~ //

(M/n) had managed to get home safely before dusk. To his luck, no one was following so he breathed a deserving sigh of relief. But it was too early for that because what Rancis made him paranoid of what will unfold next.

"Is it considered being housemates when you suddenly fall down from the surface and have him take care of you?"

His grip tightened around the books. How in the world did Rancis knew about his fall to Wonderland? It was strange. It was giving him a delirious feeling. When those words slipped from his mouth, he was smiling. It was almost as if he was looking from afar.

(M/n) leaned against the door, his breathing erratic. His head was dreading each second that passed. Everything around him seemed to distort. Thousands of thoughts swirled inside his head, forming a storm of fear, paranoia, and dread.

He slid down the door and tried his best to stop hyperventilating. "S-Stop...I-I know Alistair wouldn't just decide to take care of me then throw me away. T-That's impossible...."

"You only just met him."

"I know! But, would someone just tell anyone about his past, make cookies, teach you things you didn't know, and show you a special place then desert you?"

"He doesn't know anything about you. You don't even know much about him. Who knows, he could only be masking a façade. To trick you. To gain your trust and then throw it down on the cold ground, and crush it right in front of your eyes."

"Please stop! Please just stop, please, please, please, please!"

"You don't deserve any of this happiness."

"He just took pity on you."

"After all, who'd actually want to be with a worthless and pathetic weakling like you?"

(M/n) gripped tightly on his hair, close to ripping it off. His hyperventilating only increased and he felt like vomiting. His chest ached and his legs didn't function properly. The books he once was holding laid messily on the floor.

When all of a sudden, someone knocked on the door. Well, more like banged on the door very hardly.

"(M/N)?!" Alistair.

"Are you okay?! Is that you crying?!" His voice strained with worry. (M/n) came to his senses and tried standing up. The extent of his ability to move was reduced to crawling. He got out of the way of the door and immediately, it slammed open, a panting, flushed, and concerned rabbit hugging a paper bag against his chest. He dropped it and kneeled to meet (M/n)'s line of vision.

"What happened?! Why were you crying?!" Alistair frantically asked, cupping his face and looking him over for any injuries. Tears flowed through (M/n)'s glassy (E/c) eyes as he sniffled. In the corner of his eye, Alistair noticed the scattered books.

"What? Wait, did you go to the library? (M/n), you could've told me! I could've just borrowed them for you once I got home." He said, wiping away the overflowing tears.

(M/n)'s chest tightened. He was worrying about him. Why would he worry about someone like him? His breath shook as he leaned against Alistair's shoulder. His head felt light yet heavy at the same time. He kept his eyes clenched shut.

Alistair didn't move for a while. He worriedly glanced over (M/n), who held onto him tightly. Not wanting to startle him, he softly combed his hair and embraced him, hoping to soothe him.

Broken Pocket Watch // Alice in Wonderland X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now