[28] *~Chess's Route~*

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A few days passed after (M/n)'s bonding time with a certain cat. He really couldn't shake off the thought as to why Chess's house was so important to him. Especially the upper floor. It bothered him as the days passed and of course, Alistair noticed his aloof behavior.

(M/n) was in the balcony of the rabbit's room, his breath becoming one with the breeze passing by. Alistair opened the door to his room with a tray of snacks. He smiled gently. "Hello, (M/n)." He greeted, proceeding to make his way towards the balcony.

Upon hearing his name, the (H/c) haired male turned to him with a genuinely surprised expression. Once he had realized it was Alistair, his form relaxed. "O-Oh, it's just you Alistair." He looked back to the scenery in front of him. Purple and navy blue trees stood in different sizes, their leaves dancing along to the wind accompanying them. Creatures beyond what the mind could process made calming sounds in the expanding sea of trees.

"Is there something wrong? You seem to be thinking seriously about a particular matter." Alistair set down the tray of snacks on the small table and sat down on the opposite side to where (M/n) was currently sitting in.

(M/n) sighed. "Well, you know that a few days ago, me and Chess sort of spent some time with each other." He said, feeling nervousness weigh on his shoulders. Alistair had a small and calm smile on his lips. "Yes, you told me after I had arrived home."

"But I didn't exactly tell you that he brought me into his house." (M/n) said an uneasy tone. He really couldn't shake off what happened before. Alistair's ruby eyes went wide as he set down his half eaten cookie. "But Chess barely lets anyone in his house! That's the reason he scares off most people!" His tone was apparent with disbelief.

"After our little adventure in the Capital, he proposed that we go to his house. And I just kind of agreed. I didn't know it was such a big decision for him until he told me about it. I asked what was upstairs but..." He paused. "His voice was so reminiscent and sentimental..." He explained, tracing the outline of the cookie he held.

Alistair stayed silent as the winds blew his hair softly, the tufts swaying. His eyes were half lidded and his eyebrows were furrowed. (M/n) couldn't tell if he was upset or shocked. After a few moments, he finally spoke.

"Chess...is a mysterious guy. I know how important the house is to him but even I don't know what's upstairs. He keeps saying it's some stuff he found while scavenging when he was younger and some of them were really embarrassing and that he wanted to hide them but that was clearly just a diversion. He has many secrets that he doesn't tell just anyone, not even me or Lukas. There's more to him than what meets the eye."

Alistair sighed as he sipped a cup of warm milk. He had been with Chess for who knows how long. Perhaps a decade or less. But never did he figure out what Chess truly was. He hid so many things through his jokes and his pranks. And it was stunning to realize he knew so little about his friend despite being around him for such an enormous amount of time.

(M/n) raised a hand. "Uhm, question." He said, his face flushed. Alistair quietly laughed. "Go on."

"Who is Lukas?" His question made Alistair's ear perk up in surprise. He blinked several times before rubbing the back of his neck. "Have I never mentioned Lukas before? Lukas Lunavier is the Red Queen of Wonderland. Also one of my childhood friends."

It was (M/n)'s turn to be surprised. He stood up, eyes wide open like saucers. "I-I never knew you were friends with the Red Queen!" He said.

Alistair chuckled nervously. "Quite impossible to believe, is it not? Someone like me to be with a person with such high class." He looked down on his cookie and tea as he described himself as a lower kind of being.

Broken Pocket Watch // Alice in Wonderland X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now