[20] *~Alistair's Route~*

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(M/n) could see nothing.

He knew he was restrained. Considering the rough feeling of a tight rope wrapped securely around his wrists. His legs were free though. The problem was he couldn't stand up and everything ached.

"Where am I..." (M/n) asked out of nowhere, his voice quivering. Who wouldn't be scared in this condition? A mysterious mist just began to drag you off the ground, making you fall unconscious, and then when you wake up, you're in a place where your wrists are restrained and a blanket of darkness is draped over your eyes.

Even with his legs trembling, he stood up slowly and unbalanced, trying to focus on his objective. Find a way to get these ropes off his wrists and find an exit. But even that was too easier said than done, especially with his condition.

A fragrance reached his nose, making (M/n) turn his head to where its direction should be. It was as if someone just sprayed lavender scented perfume at his direction. Each step he took, the fragrance grew stronger and denser. Almost like the air was simply too overpowered by the strong smell.

Then, he heard a chuckle further into the direction where he was heading. It echoed more in his ears than in his environment. His legs were close to giving out at any moment. His heart was beating so fast that it almost popped out of his chest. His breaths were shaky and he wanted to vomit. The smell was getting too strong that he felt lightheaded.

"You know," A voice suddenly spoke closer in his area, too close in fact, that (M/n) whipped his body to its location too fast and slipped, clenching his eyes shut and braced for impact.

But he landed in the arms of someone and he got shivers all over his body. His legs gave out and he was almost paralyzed from fear. He almost felt like crying.

"It's entertaining to see you cower in fear this much, but I feel quite a bit pitiful for you. So, would you be happy if I took off the blindfold?" The voice earlier said. It was deep and unbelievably soft. Those almost venomous words mixed with such a gentle voice, it was a deadly combination.

The cloth that was once tightly wrapped around his eyes had been removed, and it didn't really make much of a difference. It was still dark, but he could see some furniture and the single lamp lit on a table full of papers with scribbles and sketches.

(M/n) whimpered at the state of his wrists. No wonder they hurt, they were all swollen and purple and some parts began to bleed from it being bound too tight and with his struggling.

Then he remembered the presence behind him and immediately bounded forward, turning to look at his captor.

The form seemed male, especially with his broad shoulders and tall figure. He stood straight, and took his small top hat off to dust it off. It was wrapped with a black lace ribbon around its light blue exterior and little white gems decorated the rim of the hat.

His appearance had the same tone as his voice. He had a soft look on his face, his eyelids almost half lidded  and his smile looking at him fondly as if they've known each other for a long time. His hair was white but the tips were hued pastel blue. But due to the lack of light, it look more grayish blue than pastel. His eyes were ocean blue and his complexion was almost ghostly. He wore a dark blue long coat over cobalt blue jacket and a dark frilled shirt. Pinned on the shirt was an sapphire broche with ruffles around the sides. He also wore dark blue pants and black boots.

Their environment was full of multicolored smoke, almost clogging up the oxygen available. (M/n)'s heavy breaths grew by the passing second.

"Who... Who are you? Where am I?" He asked in a small and trembling voice.  The man in front of him smiled. "Who am I? You'll know soon enough. But who are you exactly?" He reversed the roles.

"M-Me? W-Why would I say my name to someone who kidnapped me!" (M/n) raised his voice. He didn't know where this was coming from, but he hoped it'd stay longer. The man laughed quietly.

"You clearly have mistaken my question. Who are you? Who is behind that facade of fear and isolation?  Who is the one the diamond holds dear to his heart?" He took two steps closer towards (M/n) and pressed a finger against his chest. "Who. Are. You?"

(M/n) felt goosebumps all over his skin and chills running down his spine as he tried to process his question. Who was he? He was just (M/n)... He was... Then all of a sudden, he found himself looking at a slideshow of blurry images in his mind. They were so blurry he couldn't identify every one of them. But why would this just pop up in his head?

The man put back his top hat on. "So, have you found your answer?" He asked, looking at (M/n) straight in the eyes. Biting his lip, he shook his head and looked down, clenching his tied hands together. How was he supposed to know? "I really don't know... I'm sorry."

The man waved his hand dismissively. "No hard feelings. People wonder who they are when they are pointed out. If they are of importance to someone, or if they're doing something with their lives, or simply wonder who they are with no clear meaning. It's a mystery yet to be unfold." He explained while brushing away messy tufts of hair surrounding (M/n)'s face.

"Say, would you like me to untie the ropes? They look like they hurt." The man pointed out, touching (M/n)'s cold hands. Without a single thought, he nodded. They really hurt and he wanted them off. The man started to untie the knot while (M/n) looked at him. Why does he remind him of Rancis? He looks different from him, but the words hold the same ambiance. The gentle yet venomous words.

Once the ropes were off, (M/n) stretched his arms wide and a few bones popped. That was how stiff he was after having both his wrists tied together. It also felt relieving that there isn't anything making the bruises  worse.

"Why..." (M/n) started. "Why did you kidnap me," He looked at him with furrowed eyebrows and a frown. "I'm not that special, so why?"

The man placed a finger against his lips. "Well, first of all," He glanced at him and wrapped an arm around his waist, making him jump. He pressed his face against his messy mop of hair and sniffed in his scent. "You are special to that diamond. And I thought, playing with his emotions would be entertaining. Second of all,"

His slender fingers made their way inside of (M/n)'s shirt, making him gasp and try to move away, but the man had grabbed his wrist. He pulled on it and looked at him straight in the eyes, a terrifying glint in his eyes. "I simply find you appealing. That's all." He kissed the tip of his nose and chuckled.

His aura was almost exactly like Rancis's. A face of malice and fear behind a mask of generosity and kindness. But he had no right to say that because he barely knew what Rancis was like. It could've been the other way around. But (M/n) had his doubts.

The man let go of his wrist and placed his hands on his hips. "Well then, I'm quite famished. Would you like to accompany me to eat?" He said, as if he didn't just admit he kidnapped him and almost sexually harassed him.

(M/n) looked at him hardly. "I have to decline. You think I'd just go and follow whatever you say? I'm a fearful person, but I'm not gullible." He said sternly and stood his ground.

The man rubbed the back of his neck and frowned. "I didn't expect this to happen. Who knew you had that kind of courage. But listen here," He took a few steps closer towards him, making (M/n) step back in return. His eyes looked like an abyss of darkness.

All of a sudden, (M/n) felt his eyes get heavy. The scent around them was different. He fought to keep his entire body awake but he felt his knees buckle and he laid on the floor, half conscious and struggling to move.

"When I want something to happen, I make it happen. You got that?" The man's smile returned on his face and he crouched down, tapping (M/n)'s head with a finger. He slid his arms under his knees and neck and carried him bridal style. "Now, let's go eat, shall we?"


Broken Pocket Watch // Alice in Wonderland X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now