[24] *~Alistair's Route~*

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"T-That's not how Alistair is like!"

"You're right. Usually he's all like, 'stop messing things up!', 'don't be a child!', and makes weird hand gestures like this!"

"How simple minded of you, Chess. Alistair only tells you that because you make him angry all the time! It's the same with me!"

"He's not angry at me! He's just being such a mom!"

"Guys!" (M/n)'s sudden loud voice caught the attention of both males. They were currently having a training session in the Teacup Garden, in which the training...isn't exactly training. More like to help (M/n) rehearse for a confession. It's been at least a week since what happened with The Blue Caterpillar. Alistair's wound hasn't healed completely but he was told to stay at home for a few months until his thigh healed. Lukas had told him his duties were to be taken care of and that he had nothing to worry about. All he had to do was rest. Queen's orders.

Allan came by often to make the healing process faster. The Blue Caterpillar made a pretty deep cut and it was supposed to take at least a few months for it to heal completely. And Alistair would still be in pain during that period of time. So Allan came to help. Chess came by to entertain, in which in Alistair's case, was not helping. Then at night, when the two have left, Alistair and (M/n) stayed together, talking about random stuff like what genre of book do they usually read, what their preferable meal is, what they enjoy the most, etc.

Alistair also, quite bashfully, asks (M/n) to sleep beside him. (M/n) made sure to sleep at the side where the wound wasn't present, and eventually they both got used to sleeping together. Though there were times the (H/c) haired male had to sleep the side where Alistair wasn't facing or else he wouldn't be able to sleep because he had been looking at him.

He's also been practicing with Allan and Chess with the confession rehearsal since after the day The Blue Caterpillar attacked. The first day didn't really feel like a confession rehearsal especially because they still talked about what happened. (M/n) talked about what happened when he got kidnapped, and the two almost wanted to go out and kill the man themselves. Luckily, (M/n) convinced them not to.

He had already told Alistair what happened, and his ruby eyes burned with wrath. That look on his face had his obvious answer. He wanted to punch that sadistic face of his. He wanted him to pay. Pay for what he did to (M/n). Alistair was more capable of controlling himself and eventually, the fire in his eyes burned out and he held (M/n) in a protective embrace. He just hoped that they won't encounter that maniac ever again.

Returning to the present, (M/n) sighed and crossed his arms. "How are we supposed to practice with you two fighting all the time!" He said, pouting disappointedly. The two males blinked before rubbing their necks in embarrassment. "Sorry," They said in unison.

(M/n) sighed. "It's okay. We just got a little bit sidetracked. Can we start over again?" He asked sincerely, his (E/c) eyes staring at their gold and emerald pairs. Both nodded and Allan moved forward. He took off his top hat and rested a pair of rabbit ears on his head.

"Again, why do we have to wear this..." The hatter whined silently before facing the (H/c) haired male with a nervous expression. (M/n) took a deep breath and tried to calm his increasing heart beat.

"Uhm, Alistair?" He said with an awkward tone. Who wouldn't be feeling awkward if you were practicing with your friend and not the real deal? Allan tried to imitate Alistair the best that he can.

"Hm? Yes, (M/n)?" He smiled sincerely, tilting his head to one side. Okay, the atmosphere is getting good. Chess snickered a bit and got a sideways glare from Allan. He evaded his eyes and whistled as if he didn't just do what he just did.

Broken Pocket Watch // Alice in Wonderland X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now