[39] *~Chess's Route~*

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"Talk about...what?" Chess started as he gave (M/n) a look of confusion, ears folded on either side of his head. It took several moments, before finally registering the idea in his brain. He couldn't help but chuckle nervously, scratching his head. Across his face was a forming blush. "Ooh, I think I get what you mean."

(M/n) clenched his fists tightly as he looked down, swallowing down a lump in his throat. He had been dreading this for a whole week now, might as well conquer his fears. And he had to have faith in what Alistair told him. So he simply lets out a shallow breath, and tried to steady his gaze on Chess's glinting gold eyes.

"Chess, I've been meaning to tell you this for such a long time. But, I honestly couldn't bring myself to ask because you've always been so hidden and mysterious. You're a fun, happy go lucky cat that loves to make everyone have a brighter mood. You sought out ways on how to solve other people's problems, but you never want anyone to help you with your own battles inside. You have feelings too, and it's okay to ask people for help sometimes. You can't always neglect your own well being for other people's happiness."

Eyebrows knitted and throat dry, he looked at Chess with a worried expression. Across him, the cat was looking down on the floor boards with barren look, making him think he might've gone too far. But he continued. "I'm concerned for you, Chess. I know behind that smile you try to fool other with, there's pain lying deep inside you. Pain that has lasted for a very long time and has been eating away at your being like a parasite," He put a hand over his, gently wrapping his fingers around it.

"I want to help you. Even if you refuse, I'll still continue to help you. You deserve more than heartache. You deserve to be able to experience true happiness again and break away from all the demons that had been plaguing your mind. And I'll be here with you, until that day comes." After the last sentence, only the sound of the whistle blowing and the wind chimes jingling outside, leaving them in an uneasy atmosphere.

But eventually, Chess lets out a chuckle. He raised his head up, jaw tight and a small, pained grin lying on his lips. "...You saw right through me. You're an even better mind reader than I am." He laughed solemnly. He held his hand carefully, caressing his fingers. He raised his head up to the ceiling. "You're right. I've been suffering with all this pain since I was a kid. I lost everything that I loved. Covered everything up with jokes and smiles. But I never realized how much it took a toll on me for the worse. Was I that obvious, to the point you saw right through me? Was I not good enough at hiding it?" He sighed heavily, looking back at (M/n).

His hand went over to the bell wrapped around his neck. "Remember when we first met? And you were trying to help me find my bell? A very important person gave me this when I was very much younger. That very important person, was a lot like you. A bright smile, a kind personality, and most of all, incredibly dear to me. I never realized how much time I spent trying to compare you to him, when there shouldn't be a comparison. Both of you are your own person. And there's a big difference in how I feel for both of you. He was a parental figure to me. And you..."

Chess trailed off, his hand drifting off to now caress (M/n)'s face. His skin was soft and warm. The (H/c) haired male could feel his temperature grow hot, as well as his heart drumming loudly in his chest. The sad smile on Chess's lips changed to a gentle one as he gazed at the male in front of him. "You're someone I want to touch, and love with all that I am. I want to embrace you warmly in my arms, and make you happy as much as you want me to be. I swear to protect you from any danger that may come about. That's what you are to me." His voice was soft, yet it seemed to be choking up. But Chess did all that he can to hold back his sobs while keeping his gaze focused on (M/n).

(M/n) could feel butterflies fluttering in his stomach as he heard what he said, making his chest tighten up and his heart almost explode. He was being honest with him, and it made his eyes go bright. He couldn't help but break into a smile as well, bringing his hand to Chess's face as well. He could feel the warmth radiating from it. They finally came to terms with their feelings.

Letting his eyes flutter to a close, (M/n) leaned closer to his face and let their lips connect, even making Chess get taken by surprise. But eventually, he couldn't resist the smile forming as he now wrapped his arms around the male's waist and pull him closer to him. This was something he had been dying to experience ever since he realized his feelings for him. They melted into the kiss as they embraced one another, their hearts practically beating as one. Eventually, they had to part for air, their gazes only focused on each other.

"...I think it's time you know what's in the second floor." Chess spoke, a small smile resting on his lips as he let go of his embrace for a moment, holding (M/n)'s hand. (E/c) colored eyes widened as he carefully got lead to the staircase. "Wait, Chess—!" He raised his voice slightly, catching the cat's attention. "Wait, are you sure you're ready to show this? I don't want you to fo—"

"I'm not forcing myself to do this," Chess answered just before he could finish his sentence. "I've thought about this ever since we went to the orphanage. I know I'm ready." He said, expression growing serious. The other male simply stared at him in silence, before letting out a soft sigh, "Okay then."

They continue up the stair case, the floorboards creaking and the brightness from the living room fading. They set foot on the second floor, the wallpaper from the walls torn and peeling off. There were two paths to choose from, with two lone doors on either side. It was incredibly dusty as well as littered with cobwebs and mold in the very corners of the paths. There were portraits hung on the walls but they were completely covered in dust and dirt to be able to identify who was in the pictures. There also seemed to be old broken toys and dirty clothes littered on the floor of the right path, while the path on the left had been completely removed of hazards.

Chess lead him to the left path, the atmosphere growing quite cold and...sad. As (M/n) looked around, he could feel a slight tinge of pain in his heart. They stand in front of the lone door, a faded metal plaque embedded on it. Though subtle, you can still see the letters on it forming a name.

"Malikov Chartreuse"

Chess's slender fingers wrap around the freezing doorknob, making him gulp. His stomach churned as he felt reluctant to open it. But he has decided, and he intends to make that decision come true. He turned the doorknob, slowly pushing it open and leading the male inside.

(M/n) couldn't believe what he was seeing. In front of them, a bed laid dormant with many bouquets of flowers on top of it. What was surprising though, was that the flowers haven't died despite the conditions the room was in. Other aspects of the rooms such as the bedside drawer, the desk, the closet, the dresser and the shelves full of books were completely untouched, but was clean of dirt and dust, it was the same for floor and the walls. The only thing that made a difference was how much memories it held and how dark it was.

Chess went over to the bedside drawer and turned on the lamp. Now seeing it clearly, there was also a framed photo on top of the bedside drawer and in the middle of the pillows on the bed. (M/n) cautiously walked over and took the framed photo. It wasn't like the other portraits that were completely covered in dust and cobwebs. It was completely clean, the frame almost looking new. The picture had two figures in it. One was tall, delicate and handsome features, and a gentle smile, while the other was a child with cat ears on top of his head, smiling brightly. He knew it was Chess.

He put the framed photo back on the top of the bedside drawer, and moving on to look at the framed photo from the bed. His eyes widened. He looked exactly like the person he saw from his dream. Although, in his dream he was all misty and white. In this, however, he had a light peachy complexion and light brown locks, almost similar to caramel. But his eyes were the same. Soft baby blue.

Chess took the chair from the desk, offering (M/n) to sit. He sat down on the edge of the bed and put his forearms on top of his knees. "It's time I tell you where I actually came from. Why I came here to Wonderland. Why I keep so many secrets. How I lost everything."

"And how I lost him."

Broken Pocket Watch // Alice in Wonderland X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now