[29] *~Chess's Route~*

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"Big Brother Allie doesn't really like how you're influencing March." Dorie said, while yawning. They all sat at the messy dining table littered with all kinds of assorted desserts, tableware, and shattered ceramic. Chess chuckled softly. He was seated beside (M/n).

"Your Big Brother Allie doesn't like anything I do." He said, not the slightest hint of resent towards the hatter. He knew better that he made everyone annoyed with his antics. So it's barely something to be bothered about. "But, I'm pretty sure he has the hots for me because he keeps blushing whenever I tease him."

"That is merely the color of his fury towards you. He has stated to March and I that he has no sort of romantic feelings for the likes of you. Believe me, we asked and he even got angry at us." Dorie replied, ducking his head under his arms. His small ears quivered as he sneezed adorably.

March stuffed a pie into his mouth. "Yeah! So it's pretty much impossible Big Bro has the hots for you. Either that or he's incredibly skilled at lying that he doesn't like you but he actually does like you!" The hare took a moment before blinking. "I didn't understand a single word I said."

(M/n) stifled a small laugh. "Well, it maybe perhaps he's too embarrassed to say what he thinks of you." He said, looking directly into Chess's eyes. Although, he wasn't even sure of this conversation.

The sensation on his lips still lingered. His feverish gaze still felt like it was there, watching his every move. His thought his hands were still cupped around his face. He tried not to take a shaky breath. Was it simply his imagination? Was Chess going with the flow of the atmosphere? He had so many scenarios with no conclusions.

But he had to get his mind out of the gutter. He can think of why Chess could have done that later. For now, he wanted to spend some time with him and Allan's two little brothers without any sort of awkwardness emanating from both of them.

"Hmm, s'that so? He probably thinks of me as a no good troublemaker that does nothing but prank people all the time. Which, I have to admit, is true." Chess snickered at his own words. His ears twitched and he laid back in his chair with his feet up the table. "But I'm not really like that twenty four-seven. I have a hobby as well. Well, more of an abandoned hobby but still a hobby!"

"And what exactly is your hobby?" Dorie asked, lifting his head up from his arms. He sneezed adorably again before looking at Chess. Chess sweatdropped. "Uhm..." He didn't know what to answer. (M/n) was curious what his hobby was.

"I can play violin?" His answer came out more as a question than an answer. He shrugged before crossing his arms. (M/n) could see a pink tint in his slight tanned features. March's eyes sparkled. "You never told us you played violin! Can you give us a tune next time?"

"No!" Chess growled, making March jump and cower behind a chair. His golden eyes widened before he frantically apologized towards March. "Gah! I-I'm sorry, March! Didn't mean to scare you, buddy! It's just that, I quit a long time ago. I'm incredibly rusty and it'll sound like a dying whale. So, yeah, I can't play for you guys."

(M/n) took notice of his sudden personality switch. It was just like how he asked what was upstairs in his house. Were those connected in some way? But still, it scared him that Chess could switch moods so fast. He definitely didn't want to get on his bad side.

March wiped tears forming in his eyes as he sat back in his chair. "It's okay, Chess! I won't bring that subject up ever again!" He said in a childish tone. His ears perked up and the sparkle in his eyes came back.

Chess chuckled, but this time uncomfortably. "Well, I was the one who brought it up so it's my own fault. Thank you for forgiving me, March." He stood up and reached out to ruffle the smaller boy's hair, making him giggle in the process.

Broken Pocket Watch // Alice in Wonderland X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now