[22] *~Alistair's Route~*

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When (M/n) came to, he was met with various types of food laid out neatly on a long dinner table, all seemingly appearing plastic.

He wasn't bounded this time, but his body was numb. It was like he couldn't control his own body. He urged himself to move, do something, but alas it was to no avail.

The sounds of utensils clanging on a plate could be heard from the other side of the table. (M/n) couldn't move his head to look up, but he guessed it was that weird guy with the blue attire.

As if on cue, that man's voice spoke from the other side. "You're awake now, aren't you?" He said with an almost smiling tone. (M/n) could hear him set down his utensils. "There's still a lot of food, go ahead and dig in~"

"I can't move, maniac." (M/n) spat venomously, thankful he can still move his mouth. He could almost envision the surprised look on the weird man's face. "My, my, calling names now, are we? Who thought you those words?"

"I'm not some goody gumdrop that only whispers nothings in your ear. I'm a young adult, of course I'd learn those by then. And I know more words even better for your profile." (M/n) hissed.

A laugh emanated from the man. "This is getting interesting~ To think that hid behind a mask of humbleness and purity. Your reality truly broke you." He said.

(M/n) still stayed limp on the chair, but he gritted his teeth. "I only became scared and nearly petrified because of the unwanted criticism I'd get. But right now, I think I can gather some courage for once and say what I want to say." He said.

Footsteps could be heard and soon, the familiar blue clothes came into view. A hand came in contact with his face and made him look up to the man again. He had a dark shadow almost covering his eyes.

"So you'll only shut up if you're scared, huh?" A smirk etched his lips as he got (M/n)'s bruised wrist with one hand and his other wrapped around his waist. He lifted him up and suddenly walked away from the dining table. "Huh?! Wait, where do you think you're taking me?!"

"Bedroom. Don't worry, I cleaned it." The man said, completely blunt. Damn, if he could move right now, (M/n) could've kicked his gut already. But his heart was beating loudly and he could already feel fear prickling into his skin.

He heard the sound of a doorknob turning and they went into a room, almost identical to all the others, only that a handful of furniture was here. A bed, a bedside drawer, and a closet. (M/n) was laid on the bed and the man loomed above him, hands on either side of his head.

"Since you can't move, all you can do is bark but you can't bite. Which means I have you cornered. Unless a miracle happens, we're going to do something fun~" A deep chuckle emanated from the man's throat as he caressed his hair, almost softly.

"What are you—GYAH?!" (M/n) jolted when an ice cold hand slipped in his shirt, tracing a finger on his chest. Blood rised up to his face as he tried to scream. "Get off me, you crazy lunatic!" He really wanted to kick him right now.

The man continued as if he heard nothing and leaned his face against his neck, kissing the crook of his neck softly before licking. Shivers ran all across (M/n)'s body as tears formed in the edges of his eyes. His breathing became erratic from panic. This felt disgusting...

One of his fingers reached to one of his buds and began rubbing it sensually. A gasp escaped (M/n)'s mouth. "No... Not there..." He begged, his body trembling.

"It's funny how quickly you can revert from a hissing cat to a scared vermin. It's both annoying and entertaining. But it's already too late to stop." The man's teeth came in contact with his skin, causing him to scream. His canines were sharp, but not enough to pierce into his skin. He sucked on his skin before moving away. "There we go. I wonder what sort of reaction we'll get  from your diamond~"

Broken Pocket Watch // Alice in Wonderland X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now