Part 38

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The sound of explosions and swords clashing around the destroyed Hidden Leaf Village was the order of the day. Specially the ones that were near the destroyed face of the Seventh Hokage.

"Kawaki that's enough! You have to think and decide for yourself! You know this is wrong dattebasa!" Boruto said while fighting with him.

"Is this all the strenght the Hokage's son has? What a shame!" he replied, ignoring him. "You know, how about I sent you where Toneri-sama's sended your father?"

"What do you mean?"

"He and your precious little sister are no longer in this world!" he said while Boruto stood in shock. They're already dead?!?!

He dodged one of Kawaki's attacks. "That's not true dattebasa!"

"You think?! Then why haven't you killed us already?! You're in disadvantage! Your power of love can't defeat hate and revenge! You all must die!!"

Boruto sensed his Jougan activating in a whole new level. If this was what Kawaki wanted to happen, then so be it.

"I'm sprry it has to be his way, Kawaki" he said. "But I'm not giving up on you.."

Meanwhile, Sasuke kept on destroying every meteor that was about to kill them all. He was exhausted but considering that Naruto and Himawari were gone who knows where, he had to keep going.

Unfortunately, he had an broken leg and was almost out of chakra. He tried to locate Sakura but the village was so destroyed and there were so many dead bodies that he couldn't recognize.

"Papa look out!" yelled Sarada while pushing him away from another meteor. Luckily, she managed to break it with one fist.

"Papa! Your leg!" Said her daughter in horror.

"I'm okay" he said while everyone rejoined the group. Sakura gasped at her husband and rushed to heal him.

"What the heck happened to you?!?" she said with worry.

"Where's Naruto-kun?" asked Hinata.

"Toneri got them and disappeared with them" he replied. "Who knows where they are right now.."

"So what now?" asked Mitsuki. "Who's in charge?"

Hinata and Sasuke exchanged looks. She knew the Uchiha was next in charge of everything. But she could see that he was almost out of chakra, he could no longer keep up.

"Do it" he said while caughting everyone out of guard. "It's for the better."

"What are you talking about?" Sakura asked confused while Shikamaru sighed. He knew this moment would come.

Hinata nodded and turned to Konohamaru who was behind her sister Hanabi. " first lady of the Hidden Leaf Village, I pronounce you the title of Eight Hokage. You're in charge now..."

Everyone gasped, including Konohamaru. There was a dead silence.

"Why?" he asked in shock. "Naruto nii-chan isn't dead.."

"We don't know" Sasuke said. "..Everything was arranged before this battle so he knows."

"That's right." Shikamaru added. "So, what's your first order Lord Eight?"

Konohamaru stood there watching everyone. He finally achieved his dream but he never thought it was gonna be in the middle of a war, just like Lord Sixth.

He took a big breath and looked at the remaining ninjas in front of him. Then he looked at the battle field.

"Everyone, remember my words" he said. "We will fight for this village, to the death if it's required. Now, if I die during battle..."

He closed his eyes and clenched his fist. Then he smirked. If he dies during battle, he will make sure someone will take the lead to bring an end to this war.

He opened his eyes.

He has the perfect candidate.

"If I die during battle, Uchiha Sarada's the next Hokage."

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