Chapter 7: The attack

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I woke up and decided to go downstairs and look for my mother.

She wasn't anywhere to be found but I found a note on the table.

"Gone to Abnegation. Be back soon." Love mom ♥

I knew that the only reason she would be at Abnegation was to kill them.

I immediatly ran upstairs and put on my clothes and called for a car to come.

I told the driver to take me to Abnegation. Once I was there, I went to go to Connor's house. Once I found him, I ran inside.

"Connor. Connor." I yelled

"Chloe?" he asked

"Thank God I found you!" I said while giving him a hug

"Why are you in a panic?" he asks remaining calm

"Dauntless are coming today." I say

Just then we heard the sound of a gun shot and hundreds of screams.

"Oh God Connor, they're going to kill us." I said very worried

"Chloe, there's some things I have to tell you." he says

"What?" I ask

"I really like you and I hope you feel the same way about me as I feel about you." he says

"Yes I do!" I say

He kisses me on the lips. We kiss for about 1 minute.

"Connor!" I say blushing

"Chloe, I have to tell you something else." he says

"What?" I ask

"I'm Divergent." he says

My jaw falls open when I hear him say those words.

In the back of my head I'm thinking about it.

"It doesn't matter what you are, I still love you." I say

I really did.

"Ah Chloe. I wish I could have spent more time with you." he says

"I know. I can't stop my mother. She doesn't know I am here and she would be furious if she found out." I say

"That's okay. At least we got to spend a little bit of time together." he says

Just then Dauntless and Erudite guards burst in.

They block the exit.

"Freeze where you are." says the guard

"Quickly, follow me." whispers Connor

He grabs my hand and runs out the back door.

As we run outside, we turn a corner and are cornered by guards.

My mother walks around the corner seeing me.

"Chloe?" she says seeming puzzled.

Connor comforts me while we are being ambushed by the guards.

"What are you doing here?" she asks

"I can't let you kill off a faction." I say

"They deserve to die. Now come here before you get hurt. And get away from that Abnegation boy." she says

I cling onto Connor, but the guards pry me off of him.

"Connor." I scream loudly

I hear the gun load and the bang noise.

I turn my head to see Connor on the ground, blood pouring out of his head.

I start crying because I can't stand the sight.

"Bring her with us." my mother says

The Dauntless guard carries me away from Connor's dead body.

After crying so much, the world starts to go blurry. All I see is darkness before everything goes black.

I wake up in my bed at home.

My mother sits on my bed.

"You're awake." she says

"What happened." I ask

"You blacked out." she says

"Where's Connor?" I ask

"He's gone." my mother says

I can't help but tear up.

"Its better for eveyone this way." my mother says

"How so?" I ask

"They were ruining the faction system." she says

"By doing what?" I ask

"Hiding Divergents." she says

I go blank and can't think of anything to say.

She gets up and kisses me on the head.

"Don't worry. We're safe now." she says

Then she leaves my room.

Jeanine Matthews daughter [Divergent]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon