Chapter 11: Escaping

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I woke up feeling really tired. I looked over at the clock and it read 8:15.

I decided yesturday that I can't stay here. I can't be around people who only use you for your knowledge and then use it against you.

I quickly got out of bed, grabbed my clothes, changed in the bathroom and quietly ran down the stairs. I didn't know where my mother was but I was trying to avoid her. I quietly opened the front door and ran outside. I didn't know where to go so I decided to go to Abnegation to bring back old memories of Connor.

Once I got to Connor's house, I walked inside and looked around. It was really quiet. It seemed as if no one had ever lived in it.

My mother has probably figured out that I wasn't at home. I can't go back to Erudite. I'll go anywhere but back there.

The faction system was mean't to keep to the peace but its been the complete opposite.

My mother will probably have people coming to look for me.

I need to go somewhere they wouldn't think to look. I decided to take a train to the outer end of the fence.

Once the train has stopped I get off. I climb the stairs and sit on top of the stairs, looking out past the fence. I never noticed how big Chicago was. I daze off into a sleep.

1 hour later:

I wake up remembering that I escaped Erudite. I decided to stay at the outer edge of the fence.

It was really peaceful. I could see the members of Amity farming the field. They were always happy, no matter what.

All of a sudden a group of cars pulled up next to the fence. Once I realized that one of them was my mothers car I decided to try and hide. My mothers driver opens the door and she steps out.

"She must be here somewhere." my mother says

"It doesn't look like she's here." said a Dauntless guard

"She must be. This is the last place she could be." she said

Just then I feel a tickle in my throat. Of course it comes at the wrong moment. I try and keep it in but it ends up coming out 10 times louder.

"Somethings or someones up there." a member of Erudite says to my mother

"Go see." my mother orders the guards

I hear the sound of guards running up the metal stairs. I decide to pretend I'm alseep.

I feel the presence of the guards around me.

"Jeanine, your daughter's here." says a guard

"Bring her down." she says

I felt my tiny body being lifted up and carried down the stairs.

I felt my mothers hand touch my forehead.

"She's asleep." my mother says

I just try and pretend that I actually am asleep.

"Bring her back to Erudite. I will look after her." she says

"Alright." a dauntless guard says

I feel my head being placed on my mothers lap in the car. The doors shut and we drive away. My mother rubs my head and comforts me.

About 10 minutes later, I feel the car stop and the doors open.

I am placed into someones arms and carried into the house and placed onto my bed.

"Thank you." my mother says

"It's my pleasure Jeanine." he says

I hear the door close and my mother comes and sits on my bed.

She places my head onto a soft pillow and pulls the duvet up over my body.

I know that once I awaken, my mother will question why I was at the outer end of the fence.

I decide to keep making her think that I wasn't awake. I honestly wonder how she found me that quickly.

I couldn't keep it up anymore. I opened my eyes to reveal my mother sitting on my bed. She had a fake smile on.

"You're awake." she says

"Ya, what's going on?" I ask as if I don't know whats going on

"You don't remember?" she asks

"No." I say seeming puzzled

"You were at the outer edge of the fence and some guards found you knocked out there." she said

"How did that happen?" I ask

"Thats what I would like to know." she says

"I honestly don't know." I say

"Chloe Ava Matthews, don't you lie to me." she says

"What?" I ask

"You had to have known where you were going." she said sounding very angry

"I honestly don't know what you're talking about." I say

"You must think I'm real stupid." she said

"No." I say softly

"Then answer me. Why did you leave without telling me?" she demands

I sit there quietly.

"If you won't tell me, I have ways of you getting to tell me." she says

I don't respond.

"Fine then. Have it your way." she says and leaves

I continue sitting there seeming puzzled. What will she do to me? She may be my mother but all of that knowledge could be put towards some pretty awful things.

I don't know what to do so I just climb into bed and try and fall asleep. After about 20 minutes, I fall into a deep sleep.

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