Introductions :3

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A tall person walked towards Shuichi, "You've carried your boxes all the way up here? Let me help you with those." The figure took one of the boxes from Shuichi and carried it into the dorm room, Shuichi following him inside.

Eventually, all of Shuichi's boxes were inside his dorm. Shuichi found himself standing awkwardly around, having no idea how to socially interact with another person. 

"We should close the door." The taller male gestured towards the door before closing it.

He took Shuichi's key out of the door and handed it to him. "Here you go.."

"T-Thanks.." Shuichi replied nervously, taking the key out of the person's hand and putting it in his pocket.

Shuichi looked at the other person. He had green hair and light grey eyes and was wearing quite a few bracelets and rings around his wrists and fingers. He had a few silver ear piercings and wore a large crystal type necklace. He was wearing a blue striped T-shirt with a compass logo on it and slightly baggy light brown trousers.

"Well then, My name is Rantaro Amami, and you are?"

A sudden panic flooded his mind as he forgot his own name for a few seconds. "I'm.. Shuichi Saihara..?"

Rantaro chuckled, raising an eyebrow. "You don't seem to sure about that."

Shuichi looked down, slightly embarrassed of the impression he was making in front of his new roomate.

"So, anyway Mr 'I don't know what my name is', why you here? Is it just for the endless night of partying?"

"Oh.. uh, me? I'm studying Law... what about you?" Shuichi replied awkwardly.

"I'm more of an Arty person myself, I'm studying Liberal Arts."

Shuichi nodded politely then looked around the room. There were two small desks and two bunk beds. The two beds were reasonably near to one another but were still quite far apart.

Rantaro suddenly turned around and gestured at his own bed. "This is mine, I took bottom bunk. Where are you going to go?"

Shuichi looked around the room once again then decided on the other bunk bed which was nearer to the window. "I think I'll go this one, it's got a window near to it. If that's alright.."

Rantaro shrugged then sat down and picked up a book which he started to read. "You don't have to ask for my permission."

Shuichi then decided on the top bunk, so he could open the window from his bed. The bed he chose had a small shelf at the end of it along with a charging point where he could charge his phone which would be useful.

Shuichi started to unpack the boxes while Rantaro watched, "It took me ages to unpack all my stuff, good luck."

He unpacked the first box within the first 20 minutes then started on the second. Not before long, he started on the third box which took him the longest to unpack since it was all of his equipment and books.

After he had done, he simply sat down on the floor and looked up at his section of the room. "This isn't so bad.."

Shuichi took his phone out of his pocket. When he turned it on, he saw that he had around 20 missed calls from his mum. He awkwardly picked up his key and headed towards the door. "I've got a few missed calls, I'm just going to call them back."

Rantaro looked up from his book, "I got a load of missed calls as well, who are yours from?"

"My mum."

Rantaro laughed to himself. "Good luck with that. Choose your words carefully." Shuichi headed out of the room, locking it after him.

Shuichi put his phone in his pocket then headed down the four flights of stairs. When he reached the bottom of the staircase, he got his phone out and started to head towards the door. He opened the door and went outside.

His mother picked up the phone almost instantly.


Shuichi interrupted her before she could continue. "I'm okay, there's no need for you to drive all the way here!"

"M-Mum! Please don't come down here.. I'm fine."

Shuichi heard a sigh from the other end of the phone. "..If you're fine, then WHY DIDNT YOU PICK UP THE PHONE?!"

Shuichi thought of the right response to avoid other shouting, "I was unpacking.. and I met one of my roommates."

"Hmph. I just worry about you, you know. I don't want you to have another anxiety attack."

"I.. I'm not going to overwork myself. I'll be fine here, so you don't need to worry. I think that I may need to go now.."

"Go? Already?" She paused, "I guess.. if you have to.. goodbye. RING ME EVERY DAY!"

"I will." Shuichi paused, waiting for her to respond but hung up after a few seconds, taking a sigh of relief, tucking the phone into his pocket. He headed back into the building but stopped when he saw someone around his age struggling to open the door due to the boxes they were carrying. Shuichi opened the door for them and they walked in and put their boxes down.

"Nishishi~ Thanks! I would never of been able to do that if you hadn't of helped."

Shuichi looked at the guy. He was wearing a white jacket with a black and white checkered handkerchief around his neck. He was almost as pale as Shuichi was and had beautiful purple eyes and purple to black ombré hair.

He clumsily put his hand out for Shuichi to shake.

When Kokichi took Shuichi's hand, he spoke confidently. "Kokichi Ouma."

"I'm Shuichi Saihara.." Shuichi said, looking downwards awkwardly whilst shaking his hand.

"See you around Saihara-chan!" Kokichi waved as he picked up his boxes and started to head up the stairs.

"Oh! Uhh, B-Bye.." Shuichi called after him.

Just as Shuichi was about to head back up the stairs, an arm grabbed him. "Shuichi!"

Shuichi instantly turned around to see Kaito, his best friend. "Ah, Kaito. It's good to see you."

"So, what room did you get?" Kaito exclaimed, "I got number 137."

Shuichi laughed to himself then showed Kaito his key. Kaito's face kind of lit up, "Well, look at that.. have you been up there yet?"

"I have actually, I met one of our roommates. He's.. nice. It's actually quite a nice dorm, two bunk beds so I think there are four of us in total."

"Four? Hm.. well, when I go to space, I'm going to have less room for myself! It's good practice!" Kaito puffed his chest out, almost like he was making a declaration. "Look at these boxes, impressive, right?" He pointed towards a stack of two boxes.

"Only two? How did you do that?" Shuichi laughed, crossing his arms.

"I've packed everything in here really tightly. There's no space." Kaito replied proudly.

Shuichi smiled awkwardly. "You need any help? With the boxes I mean.."

"No, I'm strong.. I'll be fine, thanks Shuichi." Kaito smiled back, putting his arm over Shuichi's shoulder, "Let's go up to the dorm room then."


Kokichi was sitting on the bottom bunk, facing Rantaro but not really paying attention to him, he was more focused about the guy he had seen earlier, the guy who was so nice to him. He kept thinking about how he could find him but he had no idea where to start.

He didn't even know whether the guy would even be interested in him.. or whether he was interested in guys.

Suddenly, the door burst open and a two guys walked in. Kokichi turned to face the door out of curiosity. The first guy to walk in was a tall guy maybe a bit older than him, wearing a pink jacket with a galactic pattern on the inside. He had spiky brown hair and light purple eyes.

The guy behind him was...

"Well this is an interesting turn of events!" Kokichi whispered to himself, looking at the yellow eyed boy behind the taller one.

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