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I was slowly walking back to the Dorm, as i was still recalling the same thing Professor.Lumière said to me.

The only Person who can help me, is Professor.Enfer.


I finally arrived at the Demon area, there was a Demon Security standing there while listening to Rock Music, well it's not like i expected him to stand there and be an Owl but alright.

I walked over to him, then knocked on his Desk and he lifted his head and stared at me in a annoyed look on his face.

Demon Security: What do you want little Angel?

Me: May i see Professor.Enfer please?

Demon Security: What do you want from her?

Me: Something...personal...

Demon Security: Personal? Ahh, whatever. She is currently in her Office. Room 666, upstairs! Go!

I bowed and thanked him, then quickly entered and started running towards the stairs. I went up the stairs and started running up.


I finally came to the Floor where the Room 666 is suppost to be in.

I quickly ran and ran, but stopped when i saw a group of Demons walking while laughing evily.

I gasped and then quickly went inside a Room that was the nearest and then closed the door and put my back against the door, while breathing heavily, due to the whole running.

As i heard their voices disappear, i opened the door slowly and then peeked to make sure they were gone. I didn't see anyone.

So, i came out, closed the door and started walking slowly and headed to the direction of the Numbers, till i arrived at the Room 666 aka. Professor's Enfer Office. I clenched my fist and knocked at the door a few times, till the door opened by itself.

I wided my eyes, when i saw Books flying and when i saw a Women standing there, but when she turned. My mouth opened.

 My mouth opened

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Professor.Enfer: What is an Angel doing here?

I quickly bowed and then introduced myself to her.

Me: My name is Amore Yui! I'm a Student at-!

Professor.Enfer: I already heard enough about you from my Mates. I also heard rumors of you and one of my Students

Me: I-if you mean Jeon Jungkook then....whatever you hear...is not true...

Professor.Enfer: I see. So, why have you come to see me Angel?

Me: Well...i wanted to ask something...about Jungkook...

Professor.Enfer: Yes? What about him?

Me: I....have been getting those Dreams and Flashbacks and when i asked Professor.Lumière about it. He only said that...they are related to Jungkook and that you Miss are the only one who can help me understand the situation i am in!

She closed her Book, then threw it to the side. She turned towards me and smirked, evily.

Professor.Enfer: Me? Well, i am honored to help you little Angel. But, there is a problem

Me: Problem? What kind of Problem?

Professor.Enfer: I don't care about your Dreams and Flashbacks

She smiled, then rolled her eyes as she turned and went back to her seat. I bit my bottom lip, then took the courage to speak again.

Me: Please! I need help!

She sighed, then stood up again.

Professor.Enfer: If i help you, will you disappear from my face?

Me: Yes, Miss!

Professor.Enfer: Good. So, it is true. Your Dreams are related to Jungkook's Past

Me: Jungkook's....past?

Professor.Enfer: That's right. When Jungkook was a Child, he was bullied due to having different type of Parents

Me: Type? What do you mean by that?

Professor.Enfer: Do you know Lady.Maria and Satan?

Me: Yes, ma'am!

Professor.Enfer: Those two are Jungkook's Parents

Me: W-wha....really?

Professor.Enfer: Yes. It was hard for him, but i offered him to come to this Academy and i took care of him, as a Mother

Me: I see. That's really kind of you

Professor.Enfer: Why thank you

Me: But...for some reason...my Dreams feel like Nightmares. How can i get rid of them?

Professor.Enfer: That's something that i don't know. Since you are Angel, do Angel things and you'll find your answer

Me: I don't really understand...but, i'll try and do my best

Professor.Enfer: If you have anymore Questions then you can always ask Professor.Lumière for a Chat Book. It's a Book where you can write something and with a name and i will receive your message

Me: Really? Oh! Thank you so much Professor.Enfer!!

Professor.Enfer: You are welcome. Now...GET THE F#CK OUTTA OF HERE!!!!!!!

Me: AHHH!! Y-YES MA'AM!!! I'M SORRY!!!!!

To be Continued...

Thank you for reading!~😊

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