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{Yui's Pov}

I was at the Library, reading a Book that was brought new to the Library. It was so much fun to read it, also Coco was reading a Book about Demons so i guess we both had fun reading something.

Coco: Wow! Demons have a weird Ritual!

Me: Coco, stop talking. I'm at the best part!

Coco: Yoooo! This part is weird! Look-!

Me: Coco!

Coco: Fine! Geez! What a worm digged in Books...

When i looked up at the voices coming from the Librarian's Desk, i saw Emala and Zurri standing there. As always, they were loud. So, i got up and wanted to know and help this arguing.

Me: Emala! Zurri! Mrs.Flora! What's going on here?

Emala: What do you want nerd?!

Me: I would like to help. What's the matter?

Emala: I wanted to return this Book! But, Mrs.Blora or whatever said i couldn't!

Me: Did you miss the returning-date?

Emala: No! It was suppost to be today! And i aint paying for this!

I grabbed the Book, placed it infront of Mrs.Flora. Then took out my Money and gave Mrs.Flora the money she needed for the late returning-date. Then, i smiled at them and told them it's okay and that they shouldn't pay me back. Then went back to Coco.


{YUI's Pov}


I rubbed my eyes and lowered the Book from my grip. I looked at the time from the watch hanging on the wall. And it was already Night. So, i quickly looked around and no one was around.

I, then was looking for Coco. But all i could see were pile of Books. So, when i pushed them and organized them. I see Coco lying on his stomach while snooring like a Bear. I smiled at him. Even if he is serious, he looks cute.

I slowly picked the Books and started bringing them back to their original places. But, at that moment i heard the door open harshly causing for the whole Library to make a BANG noise. I peeked through the shelfs and my eyes grow wide at what i saw.

 I peeked through the shelfs and my eyes grow wide at what i saw

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Jungkook: What the hell is going on?!

Jungkook was standing there, along with Professor.Lumière. They were both here, i also saw a shadow but i couldn't see the Person.

Professor.Lumière: Did you see that Man in Black?

Jungkook: YES! YES, I DID!

Professor.Lumière: Then i guess what Yui said...might be sense

Wait what?! What did i do?!

Jungkook: What? What has Yui to do with this? It's complicated already

Should i take this the good way or the bad way?

Jungkook: But....that Man was...who? Tell me already, Old Man!

Professor.Lumière: Do you...know who lives in Hell?

Jungkook: Yes! I'm not stupid!

Professor.Lumière: It was him. Your Father Jungkook

Jungkook: Wait! So...you mean that Yui can see my...Past? She saw my Dad along with...my Mother?

Professor.Lumière: That's correct. I'm not sure if you remember your Parent's faces but...i think Yui is your only hope

Jungkook: I don't think she will help me. After all the things i did, as if she will help me

Professor.Lumière: She will. I know Yui very well. She is my Best Student. If you ask her politely, she will answer you truthfully

Jungkook: Well-!

At that moment, the ground started shaking and when i fell on my knees. I heard a voice saying....

???: βÿ£ βÿ£...Ћ£Ћ£...


I quickly got up and...my eyes grew wide. The one standing infront of Jungkook and Professor, was Satan.

I couldn't see his face, nor did they. But, i could feel his darkness.

Without saying a word, he used dark magic to lift Professor and throw him hard to the side, causing for the huge Book shelf to fall to the side and make a loud noise. I gasped loudly. But what really caught my attention was when Satan created a huge black hole and it was sucking Jungkook in. I, without even thinking it through, ran towards Jungkook, grabbed his arms and begun pulling him towards me. He noticed me, and tried as well. But, as i was trying, a Book from behind hit my head hard and the hole grew bigger and due to Jungkooks weigh and the strenght of the Black Hole and the Dark Magic, me along with Jungkook, were sucked in and fell into the Black Hole.

To be Continued...

Thank you for reading!~😊

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