Character Intro.

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*This page will update every time a new character is introduced. When a new character enters the story I will come back to this chapter to add them to it.*

Sample- Name, "nickname" (if they have one)- description.

Silvia, "Sil"- Silvia has amethyst purple eyes and silver hair. Her hair reaches to the middle of her back. She stands at 5'8".
Kali- Kali has blue eyes with a hint of purple mixed in and purple hair with blue tips. Her hair stops just above her shoulders and the ends are curled. She stands at 5'6".
Ash- Ash has chocolate brown eyes and black hair that fades to grey. Her hair stops about mid back. She stands at 5'6"
Kit- Kit has Sapphire blue eyes and grey hair with blue streaks. Her hair stops about mid back. She stands at 5'10"
Lexi- Lexi has silver eyes and multicolored pastel hair. Her hair is loosely curled and stops about mid back. She stands at 5'0"
Ms. Kuphila- Ms. Kuphila has dark brown eyes and raven color hair. She is covered in a collection of newer and faded scars. Her hair is pixie cut and she stands at 4'9"
Ms. Exousia- Ms. Exousia has grey eyes and dark blue hair. Her hair is wavy and stops just below her shoulders. She stands at 5'10"
Emerald, Em- Emerald has deep green eyes and short brown hair with blond highlights. Her hair stops at around shoulder length and she stands at 5'6".

Storm- Storm has forest green eyes and black hair. His hair is cut long and he stands at 5'11".
Devin- Devin has forest green eyes and brown hair. His hair is cut short and he stands at 5'10".
Jax- Jax has lime green eyes and blond hair. His hair is cut short and he stands at 6'0".
Axel- Axel has bright blue eyes and black hair. His hair is cut short and he stands at 6'0"
Mr. Zava- Mr. Zava wears glasses over his soft blue eyes and his hair is black. His hair is cut long and he stands at 5'7"
Mr. Leang- Mr. Leang has hard grey eyes and brown hair. His hair is cut short and he stands at 6'6"
Mr. Pali- Mr. Pali has bright green eyes and dirty blond hair. His hair is cut short and he stands at 6'5"

Akara- Akara has greenish gold eyes and fiery red hair. Their hair reaches their waist. They stand at 5'8". Akara is a Kaveva, a race of people born without gender and chose one on their 10th birthday. If they refuse to choose a gender they remain genderless but get banished from the village. A genderless Kaveva will look like a guy or a girl at fist glance depending on what the person prefers or is thinking about at the moment but a longer look will reveal characteristics of the opposite gender as well. (Ex. If someone is thinking of a guy that person will look like a guy even if the others preference is females.)
Headmaster Khuzaimah- The headmaster has bright blue eyes and long black hair. Due to the draping robes and dragon mask no distinctly male or female traits are seen. The headmaster has a black dragons tail with feathers at the end. Their voice says nothing about their gender either as it is in a gender neutral range (not too deep and not too high.) Nobody bothers to ask their gender and instead refers to them with neutral pronouns.

Next chapter will have character sheets so you can look at those if you have a hard time imagining what the people look like. The actual story will begin after that chapter.

I hope you enjoyed and I'll see y'all next time!

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