Chapter 7

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I wake up to a glowing blue bird chirping near my ear. I stare at it in surprise. Where did it come from? Once it sees I'm awake it jumps onto my nightstand right next to a note which reads, "Sorry to do this on such short notice but we assign these spirit birds to each student as an alarm clock. It is not a real bird so you will not have to worry about feeding it. Sincerely, Headmaster Khuzaimah." I turn my attention back to the bird but only see a few small wisps of fading blue smoke. Hmm well, that's certainly interesting.

I notice a strange heaviness on my stomach and look down to see that Aurora has grown a lot overnight. She is now equal in size to the village's Boarder Collie. A dog that roams the streets using its natural cute charm to get shelter and food from anyone it wants. I nudge Aurora's front leg and she shifts. She raises her head and gives a big yawn exposing her razor-sharp pearly whites. She closes her mouth and blinks groggily before getting off of me to shake herself off on the floor causing her scales making an odd, slightly high pitched sound like fingernails tapping against metal.

"Good morning sunshine."


"We should both go clean up."

"Ok, I'll wait for you when I'm done."

I nod my head and she turns to walk to her room, the door swinging open when she gives a high pitched whistling noise. I stretch and walk into the bathroom to take a hot shower. Once I'm done I pick out an outfit from my closet. I grab a brown tunic, a pair of black leggings and a strip of black cloth that I tie around my neck. I get dressed before returning to my bathroom where I squeeze as much water from my hair as possible, brush it, and then put in in a braid. I grab my bow and my quiver of arrows throwing them on as I rush to the door where Aurora waits.

As we walk out I look at Aurora wondering how she'll get down. I can't carry her at this size without some difficulty. I get my answer when she hooks her tail through a loop and pulls for the first floor. I'll admit that it's smart, but I end up giggle a bit because she kinda looks like a colorful bat hanging upside down like that. (Imagine Aurora in the same position as Toothless pictured above XD)

Everyone chooses this exact moment to rush out of their rooms only to stop dead in their tracks at the sight of an upside-down dragon beginning to slowly descend and her rider laughing in the hallway. After the initial shock wears off they begin to laugh as well which escalated when their dragons decided to copy Aurora. Soon we were all in a complete laughing fit at the small group of upside down dragons. We finally calm down enough to grab the vines and pull for the first floor.

Once we get to the first floor we walk to the cafeteria, eat breakfast, drop our dragons off at the stable where their instructors will come get them, and head to creature studies for our first class of the day. Our teacher is a smart but friendly looking man who lets us sit wherever we want. When we find our seats he starts the lesson. "Hello class, I am Mr. Zava and welcome to creature studies. I have a book for each of you on the creatures in this land and other lands as well." This should be interesting. I wonder what kind of creatures we are studying first? He passes out the books and I quickly flip through to see a few pictures. Some were cute, some were fierce, and some were horrifying. I close the book at look back to Mr. Zava.

"Today we will start off easy." He whistles and a small creature flies through the window to land on his desk. It looks like a griffin but slightly different and much smaller. "This is my Chamrosh, Tsio. Chamroshes look very similar to griffins but instead of a lion's body it has a dog's body." Tsio sat on the edge of Mr. Zava's desk and eyed the class with mild curiosity. "Have any of you ever seen Chamroshes before? I know that some people like to keep them as pets." A few people raised their hands and a couple people in the back whisper to each other about their own pet Chamroshes.

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