Chapter 5

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We walked into the cafeteria and got our food. Akara turns to look at us as she walks and asks, "Do you two want to sit with us or do you want to try socializing with other newcomers?" I look to Storm and he nods at me. "We'll sit with you two if that's ok." Kali smiles at us. "Of course it's ok. Besides, most newcomers sit with the riders who picked them up anyway. You'll probably meet some new riders when you meet our friends." We continue to chat while we make our way to a table. When I look up I see four people I have never met before.

There are three girls and one guy. The guy had short brown hair, forest green eyes, and a standing height of about 5'10". The first girl has long pastel hair, silvery blue eyes, and a standing height of about 5'0". The second girl has long black and grey hair, chocolate brown eyes, and a standing height of about 5'6". The third girl has long grey and blue hair, sapphire blue eyes, and a standing height that matched the guy's. I was also quite surprised to see a small fox with swirling patterns on its coat that ran and jumped up on the third girl's shoulder only to sit down as if it were totally normal.

I hear Kali giggling and I look over at her as we walk over to the table and sit down. "I see Skyra has taken a liking to someone." The fox yips happily before jumping down to the table to greet us. I have never seen a fox this close before since all the foxes in the woods back home were too fast. I only caught glimpses of them as they raced away. I reached out and gently pet it and it nuzzles my hand before energetically bounding off to another table with an excited yip.

Akara chuckles and shakes her head. "It's nice to see Skyra jumping around. I'm so used to seeing her around here. It was weird to not have a little ball of red fluff running around." I can't help but ask, "Is Skyra a pet here or something?" The guy shakes his head and answers me. "Skyra was found in the wild as a pup. She was really sick so we brought her back to take care of her. Now that she's better she never leaves. We've given her the opportunity but she stays here of her own free will. By all definition, she is a wild fox but you would never guess it." I nod my head and turn my attention back to the little fox as it races under and around tables, chairs, and people.

"Thanks for letting me know." I look back over to the guy. He smiles and offers his hand which I shake. I glance at his rider's mark and notice that he also has two loops. His mark has a black color with purple and silvery grey streaks. A dark dragon rider. He notices mine as well and his eyes widen but, just like Kali and Akara, he doesn't say a word about it. "No problem, I'm Devin by the way. The girl with the colorful hair is Lexi, the one who went with me to pick up those two." He gestures to the other two girls who are smiling and laughing with Lexi. They look over at me and wave. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Kit and this is Ash. What's your name?" The girl with grey and blue hair props her elbows up on the table and rests her chin on her palm as she waits for my answer.

I noticed their marks when they waved. Lexi has a darker blue color with sea green streaks. Kit has a mark matching Devin's except her streaks have blue instead of purple. Blue streaks are a rarity in dark dragon riders. Her dragon will sport the same rare blue detailing and have a natural blue fire ability despite the dark type.  Ash has a dark stone grey mark streaked with black. A precipice dragon rider and a rare one at that. Her dragon will have black claws instead of silver or ivory.

"My name is Silvia but you can call me Sil and this is my friend Storm." Storm looks up from his lunch and waves. The girls smile and wave back. "It's nice to meet you both." Suddenly, a commotion starts near the doors to the cafeteria. I hear Ash ask, "What's going on?" I turn back to listen to Lexi as she explains. "The headmaster is coming in to talk to the new riders. Pay attention and he'll tell you what to do." I listen to her and look back towards the doors and see the headmaster. They have long black hair, striking blue eyes, and... a tail? Swishing behind the headmaster is a black scaly tail with feathers on the end. They also wear a dragon mask and draping robes. When they speak their voice raises and falls in an almost musical way.

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