Chapter 11

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We shared more stories from our villages and laughed in the cafeteria together until the cooks forced us out. We walked back to the dorms a mess. I had laughed so much that I couldn't walk properly. I guess Storm noticed because I was soon picked up and slung over his shoulder. I laughed and tried weakly to get out of his grip, laughing the whole time despite the protest from my aching sides.

"Storm, put me down! I can walk on my own." Storm put me down just long enough to change his way of holding me. I squeaked in surprise when he picked me up bridal style. I thought Em would collapse from laughing so hard. I looked behind her at Jax who gave a devilish smirk and winked at me before sneaking up and picking her up as well. Just like me, she let out a surprised squeak. I expected her to push away in protest but much to my surprise she actually blushed a bit and wrapped her arms around his neck. I smirked and pulled myself up in Storm's arms so I could whisper to him without the others hearing.

"I ship it." Storm looked at me confused until I nodded towards Jax and Em. He turned to look at them before quietly chuckling. "You and your ships. I must admit though, they would be cute together." I nodded frantically. "I know right? She's so shy and he's so... him. They're so different but I could definitely see it happening." Storm snickers at my description, almost full on laughing at my description, or lack thereof, of Jax's personality.

I look back towards our group to see... uh, what? My eyes widen in disbelief at the scene in front of me. Em had changed positions and was now on Jax's back and Akara had apparently also decided to be carried since she had hopped on Kali's back when I wasn't looking. Kit and Ash were hung back with Lexi discussing something, giggling and grinning every so often. I smirk at them because I know those looks all too well. I look at Storm and quietly tell him about the girls. He glances back and snickers, giving me a knowing glance. More shippers. Finally, a crowd I can discuss this topic with!

"Hey guys, I have an idea." Akara looks around with a devilish smirk. "Everyone pair up and we are gonna piggyback race to the dorms." Kali laughs and comes to a stop at what I would guess to be the starting line. Everyone else exchanges a glance and nods. Jax adjusts his grip under Em's knees and stands next to Kali grinning hugely. Kit and Ash look at each other before launching into a game of rock, paper, scissors to see who runs with the other on their back. Lexi glances at Devin and they both shrug. Devin crouches down so Lexi can get on his back and they walk to the starting line with Kit, who carries a triumphant looking Ash. Storm puts me down and I quickly run around and jump up on his back.

"Wait, what about Axel?" I look up at Em who is looking confusedly at a lost looking Axel. I think for a moment when suddenly an idea hits me. "He could carry Brine and Skyra." The little fox had walked towards us when we were lining up. Her ears perked up when her name was called and she glanced over at Axel before yipping happily and jumping into his arms. Brine trilled in amusement before jumping on Axel's back.

The remaining dragons grouped together and chirped twice before trilling one long time, signifying the start of the race. There were clear leaders almost immediately. Storm and Kit were neck in neck for first with Jax and Axel very close behind us. I glanced over my shoulder in time to see Em smile and bury her face in Jax's neck, causing him to blush and smile sweetly. I smiled at the adorable sight and looked over my other shoulder at Axel who had a "still cute but in a different way" thing going on. Skyra and Brine, both had their eyes closed happily with their necks stretched out to feel the light breeze from the running while Axel laughed lightly at Jax's bright red face.

I giggled a bit and Axel looked up to meet my eyes. His face was a bit red but I couldn't tell if it was from the race, laughing at Jax, or blushing. He smiled brightly at me and picked up his pace, finally passing a still blushing Jax and catching up to Storm and Kit. It began to look like a three-way tie until Kit tripped on air (Can relate XD) eliciting a small yelp of panic from both girls as Kit lost her speed trying to recover. Storm looked at Axel with what I'm sure was a challenging look and Axel returned it with one of his own before they both rushed forwards with a burst of energy towards the small dragons who had raced ahead to what must be the finish line. The race was close and I looked ahead at Aurora who was already looking at me with excitement. I grinned widely back at her and focused on who would cross the line first. It was gonna be a close one.

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