Chapter 1

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The familiar scent of the woods comforted me. "Steady your breathing, step lightly, and stay patient." Storm's words echoed in my mind. Storm is my teacher and my best friend. He is the only one in the village I trust with my secret. That I have been training my whole life to be a dragon rider.

"Girls shouldn't be around dragons, they are too dangerous." I guess this village has its reasons for believing that girls and dragons don't mix.

Years ago, an injured dragon crash landed near our village. The villagers went to investigate and, upon seeing its injuries, tried to help it.

The dragon, disoriented from blood loss, thought that the townsfolk meant to harm it and sent waves of scorching fire in random directions. Many of the villagers were able to avoid the flame but those who could not suffered severe burns or even death. Of those harmed many were women who could not move as fast due to their long skirts.

That incident left many of the townsfolk with scars and gave the women of the village a newfound fear of dragons and their power.

In this town, people think that only men should have anything to do with dragons. But I'm different. I can't help but love dragons. Their gracefulness, power, and loyalty towards their riders keeps me fascinated.

As a child the villagers thought I was strange. I refused to wear any skirts or dresses, I would daydream about becoming a rider, and I would use all of my free time to practice my sword fighting, archery, and hand to hand with Storm. Storm and I would run side by side through the village arms stretched out as far as possible as we pretended to fly through the sky on the backs of our own dragons.

"What are you doing Sil?" Breaking from my thoughts I whirled around to see Storm had crept up to my hiding spot after checking the traps. "Just reminiscing is all." Storm smiled and settled in next to me behind the bushes. "Well stay focused. I think I heard the deer you've been waiting for."

We have been watching this place for weeks now. Checking this spring every time we come out hunting. We always manage to snag a couple rabbits or squirrels but last time we saw a few deer. Unfortunately the wind shifted and they scented us, running away before we could shoot.

I listend closely and heard rustling from the bushes near the watering hole. We quickly lower ourselves further to the ground behind the bush we are hiding near. I silently notch an arrow and pull back the bow string as a huge buck comes out.

It sniffs the air and listens for a bit. We stay silent and hope the wind doesn't change. After a while the deer decides it is safe and turns to drink from the spring. I take aim and fire. The arrow flies straight and hits the deer in the head, killing it instantly.

"Quick and painless huh Sil?" Storm says looking at me with an impressed smile. "I don't like to drag it out. If I can make it quick then I will." I say standing up to go inspect my kill.

Not many know, but I am the best shot in the village. My sword skills and hand to hand aren't bad either. Storm and I still practice with each other every chance we get and with every practice we both get faster, stronger, better.

"It's about time we head back." Storm says from behind me. "Yea you're right." I say as I gather up my hair and hide it underneath the hood of my cloak.

When I come out hunting I usually wear a slightly too big hunting uniform and a hooded cloak to cover my long light silver hair.

Storm carries the big game we catch and I carry the smaller game. When we first decided to hunt together I argued that we should carry what we killed but eventually Storm convinced me otherwise saying that smaller game was easier to carry and wouldn't risk me showing my obviously female figure hidden underneath my cloak.

It's in situations like this that I curse my curves.

We started walking back to the village with our kill. When we got there we divided the kill keeping a few squirrels and rabbits for ourselves and taking the rest to the butcher who gave us 20 gold each in return.

We returned to Storm's house and I changed back into a girls outfit. We divided up the kills we kept and I left for home with my share.

When I returned home I find my mom, dad, and brother rushing around like they were trying to prepare for a special event.

"What's going on?" I asked. "Oh hi sweetheart how was hunting?" My dad asked. My family was one of very few that didn't think the same as everyone else in this village. They believed that girls were underestimated in this town. If every other town allows women riders then why shouldn't this one?

"The hunting was great dad. I brought home 2 squirrels and a rabbit." I replied. "That's great hon! Sounds like a good hunt." My mom said while continuing to rush around.

"Now then what's going on? Is something happening?" I asked. "You didn't hear?" My brother Auric said looking at me confused. "There is going to be a riders cerimony tomorrow. They are coming to this village to recruit two new riders!"

"Really!? That's great!" I said excited. I know they won't let the girls compete but as long as I stay disguised then I won't have to worry about it and I might be chosen.

"We already know what you're thinking Silvia and I want you to know that we support you. We have already come up with an excuse as to why you won't be at the cerimony." Said my mom. "Yes, if anyone asks where you are we will tell them that you are ill and resting at home." Said my dad with a gentle smile.

I ran and pulled them into a hug. More greatful that ever that my parents were not like the rest of the parents in this village.

I was going to the riders ceremony!

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