Chapter 6

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Just as I expected, it felt like an eternity before he got to our group. We were the last few to get our dragons. Everyone else was either cleaning their new partner's scales, holding them as they slept, or playing with them as their dragons lightly pawed at their hands. Seeing the riders interact with their dragons only made me more anxious to meet mine.

Ash was the first one on our row. She follows the steps carefully and in no time at all, she was looking into the lively, almost glowing, purple eyes of her dragon. It had dark purple scales with a slightly lighter purple underbelly. I trilled quietly and crawled to Ash who now held a towel in her lap. It looked towards the headmaster and peeped in surprise and stumbled away from them shyly as it made its way up to Ash's lap, clutching the towel in its rare black claws.

The headmaster chuckled and moved up to Kit, blinking in surprise at the sight of Skyra draped across her shoulders. Sometime during the wait, the fox appeared and immediately jumped up on Kit's shoulders. It nuzzled her cheek happily and laid down as if it were natural. She hasn't moved from that spot since. Kit goes through the hatching process and is soon beaming at a fierce looking black dragon. Its mane and eyes showcased its rare blue color. As it made its way to Kit it also had a reaction to seeing the headmaster.

When they reached over to pat her shoulder it must have thought they might harm her because it arched its back and hissed showing off more of its rare blue coloring inside its mouth. The headmaster tried and failed to stifle a laugh as they brought their hand back to their side. "Quite a fierce one. It's only just met you and it's already so protective." Kit smiles shyly at the headmaster before turning her attention to cleaning up her dragon.

The headmaster reaches the guy from earlier, who I now know as Axel, and hold up their hand to tell Axel to wait. They bend down to inspect the egg and smiles mysteriously, their blue eyes flashing with wonder. They wave for Axel to proceed. Axel follows the steps and looks on as the shell cracks open revealing a dragon with blue scales, a gold underbelly, and green detailing. Wait, green detailing? Aren't dragons only supposed to have two colors? I gasp in surprise as I realize Axel got a super rare tri-color dragon. A tri-color dragons form super special bonds with their riders that will eventually let the riders use their dragon's powers.

The whole room goes quiet as everyone looks on in wonder. The baby dragon chitters nervously as it takes wobbly steps over to an awestruck Axel. The headmaster snaps their fingers to get everyone's attention. "Would you all turn your attention back to your dragons? We appear to be making it nervous." Everyone snaps out of it and returns their attention to their dragons, smiling and laughing when they trill joyfully at their riders.

Storm is next. He goes through the steps and is soon holding an energetic and noisy tempest dragon. Its scales are such a dark shade of purple they appear black unless you look very closely. Its ruby red eyes seem to hold an electricity of their own. It's fierce appearance clashes with its cuddly nature. As he cleans it's scales it snuggles into his chest, trilling and chirping happily.

Now it's my turn. The headmaster stands in front of me peering down at the egg in my arms with that same mysterious smile. He motions for me to continue with the hatching process. I gently place my egg in the water and press down lightly to submerge it. The water is very warm but not scalding. I can feel the egg thrum to life under my palm and soon the egg cracks. I quickly pull it out of the water and place it on the towel. I watch in fascination as half of the egg breaks apart leaving the other half intact. A small baby dragon rolls out of the shell sleepily peers at me.

Her lilac purple eyes stare deep into my amethyst ones. I look at her build as she gets up and see that she has a scaled body with tufts of fur here and there, webbed ears, and a pair of feathered wings. I faintly recognize that my dragon has the best build for wind dragons, but I'm too amazed by the reality of the situation for that detail to really hit me. (Please don't ask why this build is best. I'm just making it up XD)

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