Chapter 2

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I could hardly contain myself as I rushed around to get ready. The day has finally come for the riders ceremony. It would be an absolute dream to be chosen as a rider. For just a moment I let my mind wander. I let it wander back to a time when I ran through the village, yearning to feel what it was actually like to soar through the sky on the back of my very own dragon, to have the mental connection that all riders have with their dragons, to have a partner that understands me just as well, if not better, than I do.

I was so focused on what could be that I didn't hear my brother come in. "Sil?" I whirled around in surprise to see my brother standing in the doorway holding a new tunic and leggings. "Oh, hey Auric I didn't see you there. Is that mom's outfit to the ceremony?" I asked while wondering if it was too late to run and get a new outfit for myself. I knew my mom hated wearing skirts just as much as I did. He smiled sweetly and replied, "Actually these are for you."

I quickly ran to hug him and look at the new clothes. The leggings were black and fitting so they would show off my legs nicely, the tunic was forest green and had a dark brown belt, and the boots were black and comfortable enough for running around the forest when I go hunting.

I brushed out my hair and grabbed my cloak off of my bed, putting it on but leaving the hood down until we left the house. As I walked into the kitchen my parents turned to smile at me. "Ready to go sweetheart?" my mom asked as she slipped on her boots as well. "Yes, I'm ready" I replied. "No, you're not." I turned in surprise to see Storm leaning against the wall holding a beautiful and powerful looking bow and a quiver filled with sturdy looking arrows.

"I was going to give this to you for your birthday but I wanted to give it to you now, just in case one of us gets chosen and the other one doesn't." He said with a sad smile. I went up to him and gave him a tight hug. "Don't think like that. I know the chances are slim but we could both be chosen as riders." His smile brightened. "Yea you're right. Is everyone ready to go?" he asked my mom while handing me the new bow and quiver. "Yes, we're ready whenever you are Storm."

We would leave the house together and then Storm and I would split off from my parents and brother so nobody got suspicious. We walked down the road together and just before we got into an area where people would be Storm and I stopped. We would wait by the trees for a few minutes before walking in after them. I gave my mom, dad, and brother a hug before I walked over to the tree where Storm was and swung up to sit on a low but sturdy branch.

After waiting a few minutes we decided it was safe to go in without raising suspicion. As we walked in I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. I drew my hood closer to my face trying harder than ever to stay hidden. If anyone finds out there's a girl under the hood instead of the mysterious guy who hunts with Storm I won't get a chance to prove to my village that girls are still just as capable at caring for dragons as the boys are.

As we walked through the village I started to loosen up. Everyone was running around and having fun. Vendors had their stands set up so they could sell their wares to the people on the streets. Storm and I went to a food vendor and bought a plate of sugar rolls. I enjoyed the warm sweet tasting bread as we walked down the street. I absentmindedly thought about my hood and how it kept me from Storm's usual teasing. Every time I ate these the sugar on the outside of the roll stuck to my lips and the tip of my nose and when Storm would look over at me he would start laughing and teasing me.

We walked the streets while dodging large crowds of people and enjoying the festivities until it was time for the ceremony to begin. As we got closer to the center of town we saw a stage that was quickly set up just for this occasion.

The wood looked incredibly strong and it must have been because it was holding up two massive dragons and their riders.

The first one was a beautiful purple and blue color with special designs on its wings. "It must be a mage dragon." I thought to myself.

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