Chapter 15

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I didn't think I could run any faster if I tried. As my feet pounded against the ground beneath me, I watched the scenery fly past me as I ran faster than I ever have before. I shook my head and continued running, now was not the time to think about that. Training fields, classrooms, dorms, and anything else went by in a blur as I raced across the school grounds.

The teacher's building is safe. They'll know what's going on and what to do.

The only problem was, the teacher's building never seemed so far away. It was probably just the lingering terror I felt due to the monster, but it seemed as though I couldn't get there soon enough. When I finally reached the doorway to the teachers building I began to pound at the door, frantically beating my fist against the dark mahogany, willing it to open and for the headmaster or a teacher to pull me in and reassure me that I'm safe.

When the door finally swung open I found myself looking into the tired, dark brown eyes of Ms. Kuphila. She took only a second to observe my appearance before all traces of exhaustion left her body. She immediately ushered me inside with a warm hand on my back. The warmth from her hand made me realize just how cold the forest was. I distantly heard her call the other teachers as she led me to sit on a plush couch by a dying fire. I stared into the coals as my mind went numb.

All I could see in the embers was the face of that horrible creature that called out to me so kindly. I felt as though it's sickeningly sweet voice still echoed in my ears, taunting me, daring me to return. The adrenaline was once again leaving my body and I had never felt more exhausted.

One thing is for certain, I'd have no problem falling asleep tonight. In one day I had managed to push myself harder than I ever have in a whole week at the village. Despite the nightmares I might have, the thought of being curled up under a warm blanket, surrounded by my little firefly lights, was calming. As if she'd read my mind, which she might have actually done through our bond, Aurora pressed her body firmly against my leg and plopped her head down in my lap.

It wasn't long before all of my teachers were crowded in the room. Some were buzzing over where I had been and why I was so shaken while the others stood back so they wouldn't overcrowd me. The furthest away was Mr. Pali. His tired, worried eyes met mine briefly and, just as quickly, he looked away, into the now roaring fire that Mr. Leang had stoked. I had disappeared on his watch and it had obviously impacted him more than any of the other teachers.

The usually cheerful and smiley teacher now wore an expression that portrayed the exact opposite. His usually windblown hair was messy and sticking up in places like he had been fretfully running his hands through it. He was worried about my sudden disappearance and I hated it because I knew if I had just said something, he wouldn't have had to worry about me or wonder why I was fighting back panicked and overwhelmed tears.

I could barely register anything else as it was going on around me. Someone, Mr. Zava I think, offered me a glass of water which I held with shaking hands, unable to drink due to the lump in my throat. I was pulled into a gentle, warm embrace by a different teacher, one who's familiar blue hair tickled my nose. A deep, gruff voice raised above the others, urging them to quiet down and let me recover from what had shaken me up so bad.

Gradually, my shaking stopped and my tears retreated. My hearing began to clear and the room didn't seem so dark anymore. I released my tight hug on Ms. Exousia and nodded my thanks to Mr. Leang. Finally, I looked up into the gentle, worried eyes of the rest of my teachers, scanning the room until my eyes met the bright blue eyes behind an uncomfortably familiar dragon mask.

I took a sip of the water I had been holding, no longer choking on my own breath, and began to explain my disappearance and fear, careful not to leave out a single detail. From running through the woods in confident pursuit of a mystery girl, to Aurora being shot at with a crystal, to describing the terrifying creature that still haunted me even then.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2019 ⏰

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