Chapter 14

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I froze. Teal met amethyst as her eyes locked with mine. The ferocity of her gaze was enough to shatter my fragile confidence. She was confident in her ability and I knew then that when she shot, she wouldn't miss. I saw her hesitation written plainly on what little I could see of her face. The corners of her lips pulled down into a frown and the ferocity in her eyes lessened slightly, allowing me to see the hidden sorrow behind it. She didn't want to do this but for whatever reason, she couldn't afford to be caught. Her eyes clenched shut for just a second before she opened them. Any trace of sympathy was gone, replaced by such a stone cold glare I wondered for a moment if I had only imagined her hesitation. She aimed her gun at me and moved her finger to the trigger as a vibrant purple mist enveloped her hands. Suddenly, a piercing shriek came from her left.


Startled by the sudden loud noise, the girl shifted her focus from me to Aurora, taking notice of my scaly companion as she glided swiftly through the air with her talons raised. I saw the purple mist begin to glow before seeping into the gun as she moved it to aim at Aurora. New energy coursed through my veins, spurring me from my frozen state of terror. I leaped from the branch I was perched on with only one thought on my mind. 

She can't hurt Aurora, I won't let her.

I hit the ground and rolled, getting back up on my feet quickly and barreling towards the mystery girl. I was almost on top of her when she pulled the trigger, hitting Aurora in her shoulder. A cloud of white smoke exploded from where Aurora had just been at my shriek of panic and fury echoed her shriek of pain. I leaped forwards, blinded by rage and smoke. I felt the wind rush by my face as the girl dodged, just barely out of reach. I landed roughly on my side and shot back up determined to locate the girl and get back at her for hurting Aurora. "I'm sorry, I really am." There, a hushed whisper, full of sorrow and regret on my right. I ran in that direction, seeing a flash of silver dashing away from the whimpering form of my dragon, curled up on her side.

I rushed over to Aurora, worry for my companion overriding the rage that would have sent me chasing after the silver flash I had just seen. I slid on my knees over to her side, choking back a cry of panic as worry coursing through my veins. When I place a gentle hand on her cheek, she groans in pain but leans into my touch, uttering a broken sigh of relief and content as she tries to hold back more whimpers.

"Aurora! Oh no, if I had just been a bit faster o-or-" 

"Silvia, don't think like that. You went after her in a panic to try and save me. I did the same thing when she pointed that thing at you. Neither of us thought our attacks through so don't blame yourself. I'm just glad you weren't the one who got hurt." 

"B-but now you're hurt and this smoke just suddenly appeared when she shot you and I can't tell which way we came from, how to get back to the school, or how bad your wound is!" 

With that said she rolled over with her wind slightly open, blowing the smoke away from us, and exposing the shoulder that was shot. I expected there to be a wound that I'd have to find some way to stop from bleeding but much to my confusion, it was clean. Upon further inspection, I saw nothing more than a few scales knocked off. Little drops of blood sat where the scales were once connected to her skin, which was now turning slightly blue against the usual purple hue. She'd have a bruise and lack scales for a few weeks but they would grow back as the bruise fades.  

"See, Sil? It's just a small injury, there isn't any big wound. I'm in more pain from my crash landing than I am from whatever she shot at me."

I sigh in relief as the adrenaline finally wears off and I slouch down. The effects of the chase and the fight finally catch up to me and make me feel more tired than I ever have before. I lower myself to lay on the ground, pressing my forehead against Aurora's and feeling the waves of love and relief she sent through the bond. I close my eyes and enjoy the sensation of my companion's company. I try to fight the exhaustion pulling down on my eyelids but I can't and so I'm pulled into a dreamless sleep.

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