Chapter 9

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I breathe a sigh of relief when the bell chimes time for sixth class. I escape from Ash's seemingly never-ending questions when I start walking towards Flight Class/Advanced Maneuvers with Kit, Axel, and Jax. Luckily, Jax started aiming his questions at Em so I didn't have to deal with them anymore. On our way there I think about our dragons, They aren't big enough to fly with us on their back yet so I wonder what we'll be doing?

We get to the flight field and look around, searching for our dragons. I spot Aurora walking with Blizzard, Brine, and Vasuki so I mind link her to get her attention. They see us and come bounding towards us, jumping up on their hind legs to nuzzle us affectionately. We finally get them to calm down when the instructor walks in.

He is a tall, lanky man dressed up in a leather dragon rider outfit. He has short blond hair and he carries a dragon-shaped mask, much like the headmaster's, in one hand. He has a bow slung over his shoulder, a sword strapped to his waist, a dagger strapped to each arm, and lethal looking blades on each finger.

"Welcome to Flight Class/Advanced Maneuvers. I am your teacher, Mr. Pali." He gestures towards the sky and I look up to see a white dragon with a huge wingspan. It must be a wind dragon. Its wings are a light purple and remind me of lavender. It lands lightly next to Mr. Pali and I notice that unlike Nightshade and Anvar this one wears a leather saddle and armor.

"This is Balam, my wind dragon. Since your dragons are not big enough to fly with you yet, we will be studying the saddles and outfits. By the time you are able to fly you should be able to dress yourself and your dragon in no time at all.

"Oh great, fantastic, I'm terrible at memorizing stuff. I hope one of you is good at it because I'm gonna need to go over it a thousand times or more." I look over at Jax and laugh at the annoyed look on his face. Is he really that bad with memory? I open my mouth to ask him but he cuts me off. "Before you even ask, yes, I am that bad with memory. In fact, I had to ask Axel what your name was at least four times when you weren't looking." Yikes, so he is that bad. I give him a pat on the shoulder, trying my hardest to sympathize with him instead of laughing like I really wanted to.

"In terms of saddles and armor, you will be studying the equipment on Balam. As for the riders outfits, we have some old ones that previous riders have outgrown. I'm sure one of them will fit you. You will use those for class until yours comes in. We will be taking measurements at the end of class so we may order them by the end of the day. Dragons will be fitted with armor once they are fully grown." He motions for us to look in the nearby boxes so we make our way over to them.

I open one and see several riders outfits. I pull one out and hold it up to myself. Too big. I pass it to Kit who holds it against her. "Looks like it'll fit. The pants are a little too short but its ok, I can cover it up with these boots." She leans down and grabs a pair of black boots while I continue to dig through the box. I pick up the next outfit and when I hold it up I see that it's a guys outfit. It looks like the right size for Jax so I throw it at him. He wasn't paying attention to me so the outfit ended up hitting him in the head, draping over his face and rendering him blind for a moment until he managed to pull it away from his face. He gives me a quick glare before he holds the outfit against himself, striking a pose and donning his usual goofy smile. "How do I look girls?" Kit and I exchange glances before we double over laughing. Jax joins in, lowering the outfit and grabbing a pair of boots for himself.

I dig into the box two more times before Aurora decided to intervene, picking one out that looks like it would be way to small on me. I hold it up and discover that it was long enough to cover my height but not so big that it became baggy in other areas. I grab a pair of boots that look my size and turn back towards Aurora.

"Am I really this thin? It looks like it would be too small to fit me."

"Yes, you are that thin. When's the last time you actually looked in the mirror?"

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