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Tom awoke, his sight had gotten noticeably better. His siblings were to his right and his mother, no where to be found. He was upset that his siblings were asleep, he was energized and wanted to play. He decided against waking them up and instead went around and adventure on his own.

The grass felt so smooth and comforting beneath his paws. He attempted to bite at it, although he didn't know why, and found he didn't have teeth. He slid his sandpaper tongue along his gums, feeling the absence of teeth. He thought it was funny.

He continued to roll in the grass, loving the scent that collected on his fur. He pawed at the dirt below the grass. He just seemed to know that something was down there. He flexed his hand and was surprised when claws came out. He used his newfound tool to dig into the ground and was rewarded with a grub.

A squirmy little sack. He tried to bite it, only to remember that he didn't have any teeth. Thus, he batted it up into the air like a ball and tossed it around, enjoying his time. He was enjoying himself too much for just tossing a grub around.

He heard a light snap from the distance. He let the grub drop, mentally telling it, I'm not finished with you, and padded over a ways, towards where he heard the noise. He smelt the air; something peculiar drifted on it. He let his nose lead him to a little... little what? It had a beak so he knew it was a bird but it was small, like him, and didn't have many feathers.

Looking up, he spotted a nest. Now, he noticed that the bird's neck was tilted at an angle it shouldn't be at. It fell or was pushed out of its nest and broke its neck during the fall. He shivered, thinking, Life is cruel.

He decided to take the bird by its broken neck back to him family. His mother, after seeing his meal, took it with joy. She praised her young and gave him milk as she devoured the baby bird. Tom cuddled up against his siblings, happy for once.

Fuck the grub, he decided. He just caught his mom some food. He is so damn proud of himself, he could squeal in triumph. Unfortunately, his pride didn't last long. His mother's dramatic shift in emotions was easily detected. Tom could smell it too. For once it was lush, then it turned sour.

His mother stood, awakening his siblings, and crept over to investigate. When Tom's naive brother attempted to follow her, his mother kissed a warning and he backed up. The scent in the air was getting more and more strong with ever passing moment. His mother's back rose protectively.

She must have decided against checking out what lurks before her because she quickly sprang around and picked the nearest sibling, which was his sister, up by the scruff of her neck while hissing at Tom and his brother to follow. She raced through the forest, keeping a slower pace as to allow the other two kittens to keep up.

Along the way, the brother decided that he was finished running and that it was time to play. He nipped at Tom's ear, tugging at it. It didn't hurt, the kitten didn't have any teeth. Tom was growing agitated. They were running from a possibly dangerous thing and his sibling wanted to play?

Tom hissed at the kit, that seemed to do the trick. Maybe it scared him off too much, as he stopped and flattened his ears against his head in submission. Unfortunately, his mom didn't notice the loss of one baby. As Tom looked back, he could see only the shape of a large, bright red fox about to snap its jaws on the poor kitten.

Dread engulfed Tom. He ran as fast as his four little legs could carry him, yowling at his mother, who also upped her speed. Then his mom darted to the left and up; up an oak tree. She set the sister down and scurried back over to Tom. She swept him off his feet. He was able look back, now. The fox was nowhere to be seen but that did not mean everything was safe.

Tom panted, having to use up so much energy in his escape. His mother went back down. He meowed at her, trying to communicate that her son was dead and she couldn't help him. That didn't stop her. She was going to avenge her son, she was going to save her son.

Tom stared into the pure black cat's grey-green eyes. He saw sorrow and confusion. He wonders what she sees. If she can stare into his pure black eyes and see anything at all.

He wonders that, if they were human, she would have the same scared look as all of the other kids on the playground had. Or maybe animals just don't give a shit about looks. If so, people need to learn a thing or two from them.

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