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Tom grabbed Tord's hand as they walked around the glistening pond. The willows seemed to wave at them and a few of their leaves broke off to join the family of ducks in the pool.

The air smelled fresh and lush to anyone other than Tom. To him, it smelled of a hundred different trees and a thousand different animals. Through the weeks, he learned how to harness his powerful ability to smell and differentiate between scents. He could tell a squirrel from a rabbit and place exactly where it was; it was supernatural.

To a normal person, it was quite and peaceful, except for the birdcalls and footfalls. Tom however, heard the birds, the footsteps of not just people, the buzz of insects, the soft waves of the pond, and his lovely boyfriend.

"We should head home," Tord spoke.

It was getting late. The sun, now beginning to duck below the horizon, cast a golden glow with pinks and purples surrounding it softly. The trees now seemed to wave goodbye to the sun.

"Yeah, let's go," Tom agreed. They walk the streets, knowing they were safe. When they had first escaped the red army, they never left the house. Tom was alerted to every little sound, thinking that they would soon be caught and killed, but as the days droned on, they hadn't seen nor heard anything having to do with the army.

The first time they went out was terrible. Edd and Matt were out for a week at the ginger's parents'. They thought that they'd left enough food for the two but they were only three days short.

Tom was fine starving himself for three days but Tord wouldn't accept it. Although he wanted to go alone to avoid endangering his beloved boyfriend, Tom went with him. He wanted to make sure that Tord didn't get himself caught.

So they'd went out on that cloudy day. Tom led the Norwegian to the store, taking the path with the least amount of people, even if it did take them an extra few minutes. They bought their groceries quickly and carefully, making absolutely sure that they didn't have to go back outside.

They had walked back home in a light drizzle, not even having to take any other path. Tord felt that that time they'd gone out was going to be like every time they'd go out: suspicious of every little thing. Tom felt like they would never go out again, and he was fine with that.

It took three weeks for Tord to think, We should go out more. He saw that Tom was getting more pale and thought that some vitamin D would do the trick. So they'd went out on an excursion to the park.

Tom was afraid of every little thing. The squirrel that made the leaves rustle beside them was a soldier from the red army to him. The parents that looked their way were spies. The bushes were all full of hidden cameras.

But nothing bad happened. Just there and back the two went, no tricks. Of course, it took some persuasion before they went out again. Tom was still sure that the sun was working for the red army.

But out again they went. And again and again and again, until the two boys were sure that they were safe to go outside, or to the park at least. And that's where the story picks up.

At home, Edd greeted the two with a wave as he set up for movie night. That had become a thing in the past few days, and they'd already watch every zombie movie out there. "Return Of The Insane Zombie Pirates From Hell 6 came out a week ago," Edd said, the long name of their favourite series rolling off the tongue.

"Awesome," Tord chimed. He hopped over the couch and snatch the half full bowl of popcorn from Matt. Matt made noise of protest and attempted to take it back but Tord wouldn't budge.

Tom sat with the Norwegian while Edd, with a full bowl of popcorn, sat with Matt. The green clad male turned the movie on and they sat in silence.

After about 30 minutes, the Norwegian and the brit heard strange noises. Tom immediately freaked out, thinking it was a red army soldier trying to break in but Tord knew what it was. He blindly hit Edd and Matt's faces away from each other not taking his eyes off of the bloody scene the movie was showing. "Make out later, when we aren't around," he said. Tom sighed in relief.

When the movie ended, the couples went to their own rooms. The commie and Jehovah's witness had gotten used to cuddling at night, so that every single night would be the same. Since Tom refused to kiss in public, public including Edd and Matt, Tord resorted to spending as much time as he could giving him as many kisses as absolutely possible.

Tord yawned, "I think we're safe."

The brit shook his head, "You can't be sure."

"I'm not sure. I just think we're safe. You know I would never let anything happen to you, right?"

"Right," Tom sighed.

"I love you," Tord said, calling him loving names in Norwegian.

"I love you, I'm just... I'm scared."

Scared. That's one word Tom thought he'd never use to describe himself. The scary Jehovah's witness was afraid. The same person that almost destroyed an entire city because he hated Christmas; the same person who survived more than a few zombie apocalypses; the same person who has single handed shot down red leader's robot with a harpoon; was afraid.

"Don't be," Tord cooed, looking into Tom's glowing, robotic eyes. He smooched the male and said, "I've got you. And I'm never letting go. Ever."

Tom giggled, "I love you. I love you a fucking lot."

"Love you a fucking lot, too. Everything's going to be alright."

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