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Landing was the bitchiest bitch who ever bitched. Tord didn't exactly know how to land but didn't tell Tom. They bounced off the ground three times before the jet began gliding down the runway. They had landed in an airport near London and were just going to walk to Edd and Matt.

"Ow... I don't think that was supposed to happen," Tom whined, massaging his neck that went through a bit of whiplash.

"Sorry that I'm not a pilot," Tord remarked, tossing a suitcase at Tom. "That one has our food in it, don't loose it unless you want to hunt."

Tom rolled his eyes and grabbed it as Tord grabbed another and they hopped out of the jet silently. The sun was just coming up over the horizon and Tom thought it was as pretty as the stars.

The snuck silently off into a nearby forest. Then they heard a loud boom as Tord pushed a button to activate the bomb inside the jet.

"The hell was that!?" Tom exclaimed.

"Sh! They might be looking for us," Tord insisted. "It was the jet. I need to make sure that they don't find us here. I needed to destroy the evidence."

"You do know that that explosion probably caused more people to come looking for us? They'll think we're terrorists or something!" Tom whisper-shouted.

"I am a terrorist."

"You were a terrorist. You quit, remember?"

"Oh yeah."

They dragged themselves and their belongings through the thicket. Tree branches scratched at them and animals darted out of their path. Their going was slow but steady.

"Hey, Siri? Where's the nearest town?"

"London is 1.3 kilometres north."

"Which direction is north?"

"You are walking north."

"Thanks, Siri."

"No problem, Tom."

They stopped for a snack before they saw the tree line edge the city of London. After getting out of the thick smell of pine, Edd's scent caught Tom's nose. "This way," he said, pulling Tord harshly in a direction.

"Jeez, Jehovah. Excited to see them or what?" Tord asked as they speed-walked down the street.

"Yeah," Tom answered in a "duh" tone. "Do you know how hard it was for me to see them and them not to see me? It was terrible. I felt so fucking bad and I have to make sure that they know I'm okay now."

"You'll see them soon enough- Tom!" Tord pulled the eyeless male back abruptly, stopping him from getting hit by a car. It honked loudly as it flew past. "Seems as if I could trust you more as a cat not to get hit by a car."

"Oh... Oops. Thanks for the save, I guess," Tom mumbled sheepishly.

"We just got you back. It's not okay for you to die yet," Tord scolded as they continued on their walk.

As the scents of Edd and Matt got stronger, Tom got more and more excited. He even started skipping at one point. Tord pointed out how gay that was and Tom flipped him off while saying how gay he was. And then they were at their destination.

Tom leaped through the doors and pulled the commie up the stairs to room 11. Tom knocked four times and then held Tord's metal hand. It was cold but Tom didn't mind at all; it was comforting.

Matt opened the door and shrieked when he saw Tom, "Cyborg!"

"No, Matt! I'm Tom!" he explained.


"No! No, Matt, I'm not a ghost! I'm real!" Tom exclaimed, holding onto the ginger's shoulders.

Matt looked at him shocked but happy. "Tim!" the narcissist yelled and dove in for a hug. They squished each other in an embrace until the sound of something clashing to the floor pulled them apart.

Edd stood, mouth wide, a cola can spilling it's contents onto the floor by his feet, which showed that he was that shocked, looking at Tom with unbelief in his eyes. "T-Tom...?" His mouth curved into a smile, "I can't believe it."

As he took a step, he saw Tord and his expression drooped. "You did this, didn't you? It's not him. It's a clone," he said in a sorrowful voice.

"No! No, Edd, it's me!" Tom yelled and ran to hug him.

Although he accepted the hug, Edd didn't accept the reality of it. "Tord, you didn't have to do this. I know he's not real."

Tom was upset and angry; he had come all this way and Edd didn't even believe him. He couldn't blame the boy though. Edd had seen his dead body, gone to his funeral, and mourned so much only to see Tom again. "I am real! I'm Tom!"

Tears welled up in Edd's eyes, "W... Why do you have that thing on your head? Why are you alive? H-How...?"

"It's a long story and really, really confusing."

Edd then invited the two in and they settled on the couch, Tom and Tord sitting close together. Tom told them that he was Tord's cat; that he was reincarnated. He told him about his animate mother and siblings and had to lift up his visor and clean his tears a few times as they would build up inside. He went on and on about his cat life, describing in detail.

He told of his naive brother who was hurt by a fox and how his courageous mother went back and fought to save him. He told about the kind old man who fed his mother. About when the mutt tried to fight them and then how they were all caught by animal control. He said about how Tord adopted him and how he started off breaking his coffeemaker and hating his guts and how that changed through the days.

He continued to rant on about his cat life and then his second human life. He ended up talking about Tord and how he wasn't the bad guy he thought he was. About how good of an owner he was to him.

Tom looked at Tord with loving eyes. He looked back to his friends and said, "And now we're dating."

Edd chocked on air in surprisement, "What!?"

"You find that the most surprising thing about his story?" Tord asked.

"Well... You kind of hated each other for years," Edd explained.

"Edd," Matt said and then whispered something to Edd.

He shrugged, "Go for it."

"You're not the only couple in the room!" Matt exclaimed and kissing Edd on the forehead.

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