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Tom woke while they were driving in a roofless rental car. He jumped up and gazed at the world passing by. A world he knew. A world that he was familiar with, that he had grown up in. A world where his friends were.

"Finally up, cat? We're in England," Tord said. "The only thing to do now is to find out where my friends are."

Tom meowed loudly; they were going away from the apartment Tom had gotten before he died. He sized up his options. He could stay with Tord and possibly never even find Edd and Matt. He could wait until they stopped and lead Tord to his friends but they might drive to a part of town Tom didn't know of.

Or he could jump out of the moving vehicle while he still had the chance. The car wasn't moving very quickly and cats always land on their feet. Tom sucked in a breath of chilly fresh air, put his paws up on the door, swallowed the instinct not to, and leaped.

Tom tumbled onto the ground, rolling onto his back. The hard ground hurt him on impact but not enough to leave lasting effects.

"Hey!" Tord yelled as the car screeched to a halt. "What the fuck are you doing, cat!?"

Tord got out of the car and ran over to Tom, who had already gotten up and was ready to run. Cats were faster than people. As Tord bent down to pick Tom up, asking him about the pain he was in, Tom darted a small ways away.

"Cat, get back in the car, I'm not chasing you," Tord exclaimed, clearly annoyed with Tom's behaviour.

Tom looked around at the direction of his friends and then back to Tord. He flicked his tail back and forth. Please, Tom thought. Please listen to me.

He scoffed, "I'll park the car if you get in and then we'll go wherever you want." Tom joyfully padded over and hopped back onto his seat. Tord parked the car on the side of the road and got out, "Where to?"

Tom ran down the sidewalk, looking behind him a few times to see if Tord was keeping up. Looking for cars when he crossed the streets, he felt almost human again. He was a person here for all the years of his life. He remembered walking down this road getting groceries with Edd.

"Cat, you're giving me anxiety," Tord panted. "You keep crossing all these busy roads. But goddamn, you're smart."

They raced across London, Tord not knowing where they would go; Tom having a perfect idea of where they were. Tom was growing more and more excited by each step of his tiny paw. I'm coming, guys, he thought. I'm finally gonna see you.

He could smell them. Edd smelled sweet like cola, which would make sense. Even when Tom was a human with not as sensitive a nose he could smell the cola. Matt's usual shampoo smell was still there, although weaker. Both scents were more ugly, with a layer of sadness chocking them out. I guess they still aren't over my death?

Tom stopped at the apartment building. The one where his friends were. Tord caught up, panting and cursing. "This the one? Is this where they live now? Or is this just a random building you decided to stop at?"

Tom meowed, This is it, and padded into the building when Tord opened the door. Tord shoved his hands into his pockets to avoid and questions that would distract him from his quest. The lady at the desk looked at the two uncertainly. A black cat, not in a carrier or being held, and a shady man with a scarred face.

"Sorry, we're all out of rooms. Come back in a few days, I think someone might move soon," she said.

"We're just here visiting. Do you know what apartment Edd is in? And Matt?"

"They're in room 11, second floor."

"Both of them?" Tord said, also voicing Tom's thoughts.

"Yes, they moved in together a few months ago."

Why isn't he asking about me? Tom thought, feeling left out. Almost feeling envious. Of what? Of Tord asking about Edd and Matt and not him? Why should he care?

Tord shrugged and bent down to allow Tom easy access onto his shoulder. They walked up the stairs and down a hallway until they were standing at door with a small "11" on the door.

Tord raised his hand to knock but stopped. He just stood there; breath picking up; a cat on his shoulder.

Do it, Tom thought, Knock.

"I can't, cat. I-I'm not ready," Tord sighed.

Tom meowed angrily. He stretched his paw out and touched the door. Tord turned and looked into Tom's pitch black eyes. He sighed again and shook his head, "Please understand. I need a day, I'm not ready."

Tom dug his claw into Tord's shoulder and the door, "Meow."


Knock, knock, knock.

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