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Tom awoke to a light shake brought to him by Tord. "What...?" Tom mumbled tiredly. He received a peck on the lips before being picked up bridal style. That woke him up immediately, "Tord!"

"Sh, we're leaving now. Most soldiers are out on the attack or asleep, those roaming the halls won't mind me," Tord spoke in a hushed voice. "I packed while you slept and there's enough food in the jet to last a week or two."

"Oh, cool. So we're actually doing this," Tom nodded.

"Yeah. What, did you expect me to chicken out again?" he asked, setting Tom down and grabbing a suitcase. Tom grabbed the other, along with Tomee bear, and they walked out the door.

He noticed that the Norwegian wasn't wearing his armour, other than his entirely robot arm, minus the bulk in his shoulder. No helmet; no knee pads; no exoskeleton; no sleeveless hoodie, although he was wearing a normal black hoodie. The brit didn't ask but he wondered if the soldiers they might walk by would question their leader's appearance.

"What if someone asks about why we have suitcases?"

"They won't. They don't talk to me unless I do to them first," Tord replied confidently.

"Yeah, but what if they do?" Tom insisted.

"Then I'll make something up. No one's up except the patrols and the patrols don't talk to me, Tom. I told you, we're fine."

Tom still felt nervous and was alerted to every little sound. Hyper sensitive hearing didn't help his cause. "Turn here, we can avoid people," he said in a hushed voice. Tord thought it was silly but took the path Tom directed him in.

They made it to the room full of aircrafts. Tord led him over to a jet, "Get in." They hopped up and Tord immediately pulled out a toolbox and went to unscrewing a board on the wall. After unhinge great it, he cut some wires and pulled a large box with a blinking red light on it out. "The tracker," Tord said simply.

Tord commanded Tom to stay in the jet as he disposed of the tracker and opened the hanger doors. Tom sat in the copilot seat and looked over the controls and buttons. Too many for his liking; it was all too complicated.

"Ready for takeoff?" Tord asked, startling the cyborg. He nodded and sat in the copilot seat as his significant other sat beside him.

"You know how to fly?"

"The basics," Tord chuckled. He cut Tom off before he spoke in defiance, "Yes, yes, I know more than the basics, Tom. I can fly a plane."

"You better. I'm not parachuting," Tom announced.

The jet lurched forward and moved loudly, Tom was afraid they'd be caught but remembered how he had superhuman hearing and it probably wasn't as loud as he thought it was.

The plane stopped at the beginning of a runway. They looked each other in the eye and nodded in sync. The jet rushed down the runway and Tom held his breath. Tord knew what he was doing. The aircraft lifted from the ground and their ears popped and they felt butterflies rush in their stomachs.

As they lifted away a radio sent static into the cockpit. "What the hell do you think you're doing!?" it shouted in Norwegian. "There are no flight practices scheduled at this time and certainly no other reasons you should be in the air!"

Anxiety kicked up in Tom, his breath becoming quick. They're gonna shoot us down, he thought.

"Whoops, forgot the radio," Tord said casually and kicked the radio a few times to break it. Tom looked up at Tord with a seriously? expression. "What? I just forgot, it's nothing."

Tom looked at Tord crossly and then away. The jet went through clouds and then to an almost unworldly setting. The clouds looked like fluffy land and the holes in them became bodies of dark water. The stars sat in the sky. Tom felt as if they were watching him. He smiled.

"You're so cute," Tord awed.

Tom blushed and whined, "Stop it."

"But you are, though! You're so... awesome. Cool," he complimented.

"I don't know about that, Tord," Tom scoffed. "You sure didn't think that a year ago. Does me being your boyfriend... Wait we didn't really make that official, did we?"

"Not really. Well then, Tom." Tord turned to him, butterflies filling his "empty" soul. He grabbed his hand, "Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Of course, Tord," Tom replied and leaned over to give him a peck.

"Good, 'cause you couldn't refuse anyway," Tord said cockily.

"Is that so?" Tom replied challengingly.

"I got you from a pet store, I still own you."

Tom blushed, "Oh really?"

"Yeah," Tord replied, smug as ever.

"I think that's illegal."

"I've done a lot of illegal things, this is nothing."

Tom let out a "tsk" and rolled his eyes. He slid over and half sat on the commie's lap, draping his arms around his neck and giving him a loving smooch. Tord pressed a button to put the plane on auto pilot and rested his hands on the eyeless's waist. They enjoyed a long, sweet kiss.

They pulled away softly after a moment. "You know how Pau said that sex was a good stress relief?" Tord asked, not really realizing that what he said could be misconstrued.

Tom quickly got up, "I'm not doing that with you!"

"No! No, I'm sorry, I just wanted to say that... kissing you is enough."

Tom sighed and chuckled, "Thanks, I guess."

A pause, then Tord said, "If you wanted to we could have-"

"Tord! No!"

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