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The five days in London went by too quickly for everyone's liking. Edd and Matt dreaded hearing that Tord had to leave but were understanding none the less. Tom was also upset about leaving and had clung onto Matt's overcoat with his claws as Tord tried to pry him away.

As they headed back to the airport to go back to the country where Tom couldn't understand the language, Tom thought about what they had done in the week. They had pretty much stayed home the entire two first days, either crying, talking, eating or sleeping.

On the third day, Matt suggested that they go to a fall carnival that was supposedly a tradition that prolonged summer. Tom wasn't able to go on rides and Tord insisted that he couldn't have any candy floss but Tom enjoyed it anyways. He was able to spend time with his best friends. All 3 of them.

Tord was very unsure about going out. He was worried someone would recognize him as the red leader and get him arrested. No one did, of course. At the end of the day, he was glad he went out. He was glad he went to his friends early on instead of a day before he was forced to come back to the base. So glad.

On the fourth day, they went to an arcade, something that they had loved to do before the incident. Tord still found interest in the shooting games. One of the employees had told him about the no animals allowed policy and he got pissed

"I bet my cat can do better than you in any one of these games," Tord hissed.

The guy accepted the bet and they chose a game that required a button to be hit repeatedly to make a person run. The faster you press, the faster your runner. Tom won and the guy allowed him to stay at the arcade, even giving him free fries.

After that, they went skating. Tom thought it was fun being on Tord's shoulder while he skated. The smooth action was somewhat soothing. Only after they got on the ice were they reminded, once again, of a no pets rule. They were forced to leave early after Tord tried to "persuade" his way out.

Edd suggested they go home and leave the cat with Ringo but Tord denied, saying that he wouldn't abandon his companion ever. Tom felt butterflies when he said that. If Tom was human, he'd be blushing.

They went to the beach but not to swim, just to watch the sunset. It was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. The golds and pinks swirled vibrantly, matched with the ocean blue reflecting those colours, created a wonderful work of art before them. Eventually the pinks and golds turned to purple and then to dark blue, getting darker by the moment, and a litter of stars gathered in the sky.

They stared in awe and Edd even cried in the heat of the moment, causing all of the others to cry. They hugged in a heap of so-happy-that-they're-sad. Three people and one cat with a human soul.

It was pure.

It was one of the best moments any of them would ever experience, but it had to end. They all made their way back to their home and slept. Tord finally felt at peace. He had made up with his friends. He was happy. He had a cat that loved him. He didn't need an army. He didn't need to reap havoc in order to feel happy. He was happy knowing his friends were safe.

Of course, the death of Tom was still permanently stitched into his heart, but was his death really a bad thing? If he was alive he would have killed Tord by then. But Tom, as a cat, had grown to see his good side.

And he loved him.

Tord and his cat woke Edd and Matt early after making them breakfast. He spilt the news about leaving then. They hugged it out and left, through Tom's dismay. The one thing that made it better for him was the fact that he had Tomee bear with him. The road back home was filled with tears and silence, sometimes broken by the early-morning birdcalls.

The flight home was the same, minus the birds. Only once did it break as Tord grabbed a cigarette from his pocket. "Sorry, cat. I just need a smoke right now." Tom understood. He would have loved a bottle of Smirnoff at the moment. Although the scent of smoke choked him, he didn't move off of Tord's lap. He just couldn't.

The plane landed more harsh than usual, startling them both. They shrugged it off and Tom hopped onto the other's shoulder. They rode back to the base in Tord's crimson car and, when they got back, immediately flopped onto the bed. They were exhausted from all of that crying.

A tear slipped down Tord's face as he covered himself with some blanket. Tom wanted to do something. He wanted to make him feel better. He looked to the tear and thought, Fuck it, as he licked the tear from the other's face. It tasted salty.

Tord giggled adorably, nothing anyone would expect from a supposedly ruthless leader. "Thanks, cat. Thank you for everything," Tord said, pecking Tom's head affectionately. "I love you."

Tom nodded and meowed knowingly.

I love you too.

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