Chapter 8

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"Welcome to Historic Vista California"

That was the sign that signalled the fact that I was going to die inside once we get to my parent's house. I groaned as I drove through the streets towards my parents. Everyone stopped and stared at us because of all the expensive cars and strange people that are in their town.

"Blair, come in Blair." Adam's voice came through the walkie-talkie

"Yeah, go ahead babe," I responded

"How you doing?" He asked and I looked dead ahead as I pushed the side button.

"How do you think?" I asked him back looking out the windows to see all the changes done.

"Trick question, right?" My brother barged in

"Yeah..." I said in a distant voice as we turned onto the street where my past lives. I let out a loud sigh and looked for my house, I saw the house a few doors down.


My hands started to shake, I looked at myself in the rearview mirror and fixed my lipstick. I pulled into the driveway, put myself in park and just sat there looking at my house. Someone knocked on the frame and I jumped, Adam leaned in and looked me in the eyes.

"You Okay? If you don't want to go in we can still turn around." He said with a soft voice and my eyes started to burn.

"No. I'm going to do this... with you." My voice broke a couple of times, he smiled at me and pulled me out of the Jeep. I giggled and I kissed him on the cheek, I heard a door slam and I looked over the small fence dividing the driveways. A boy walked down the driveway and he had a black eye. He stopped and looked at us, glared and kept on walking. Adam's grip tightened on my hips and I looked up at him.

"What's that guy's problem?" He hissed into my ear and I shrugged. I smiled and pulled him to the front door. The door was repainted to a lovely greenish-blue colour. I knocked on the door loudly, I heard shuffling on the other side then the door unlock and then swung right open. My mom screamed and threw herself at me, I froze with my eyes wide open looking at Adam but he was laughing really hard. My brother was laughing as well, I hugged her back. We stood there for a couple of minutes hugging. She pulled away and surveyed me, then she saw Xavier and gave him a hug, she then turned her attention to Adam. Her face lit up.

"Oh, My God!!! You must my future son-in-law!!!!" She squealed and my face went straight, Adam gave me a wink and a smirk. I glared at him as my mom went crazy hugging him, she looked at my brother.

"Xavier! Take notes from your little sister! She already has a future family!! And she is only 17!" She yelled at him and he started yelling back. I smacked Adam for the look on his face, he raised his eyebrows up and down multiple times, pulled him into the house.

"Mom! Leave Xavier alone for fuck's sake! We have to get to school!!" They both stopped and looked at me. My mom had a look of shock on her face, but my brother smiled and pranced into the house. I smacked his ass as he pranced past me, he turned and stuck his tongue out at me.

"I swear he's a kid sometimes," I mumbled under my breath.


Me and Adam pulled into the school parking lot, I grabbed my bag as Adam squeezed my thigh. I yelped and starting giggling as he sucked on my neck.

"You know I've never done it in the janitors closet... Maybe we should try it sometime," he mumbled against my neck and I laughed

"I don't see why not," I said winded. His hand travelled up my thigh to my waist to my stomach until his hand was under my crop top. My brother walked up and screamed again


"Then don't look into my Audi when I'm with my Bae!!!" I yelled at him. I suddenly noticed that a bunch of jocks had swarmed my car, they were feeling my car with their slimy fingers causing my blood to boil. I swung the door of my car wide open, hitting a bunch of jocks in the back. I smirked at the ground at their expressions, I pushed myself out of the car and swung my body around the door. Everyone's jaw dropped and my eyes sparkled with mischief

"Now that's what I call a dramatic entrance!" Adam clapped and I laughed at him, he winked and the jocks back off.

"Now, the next jerk that touches my fucking Audi! I swear to God! No one will find your fucking body for 100 years!" I yelled and smirks travelled up their fat faces. I walked away with Adam's arm slung over my shoulder.

We walked into the school and starting to look for the guidance office. The school had changed so much... the one row of lockers was changed to multiple rows of lockers, there was a second floor now and they had repainted everything.

"Holy Shit!! What the hell happened in those 2 years I was gone?" I yelled and my voice echoed down the empty halls. I was also surprised by the new school colours. They used to be red and white but they were turquoise and light green. My two favourite colours. Coincidence? I don't think so.

We made our way around the school looking for the guidance office and about 30 minutes later I pushed Adam into a random room on purpose not knowing that it was the office. Adam tripped and landed face first into the administrator's desk. She looked up and saw Carter's face but more womanly.

"Oh, Hell to the fucking no!" I yelled as we locked eyes

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