Chapter 28

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There stood my brother evilly smirking at me, I lost my breath from disbelief.

"Xavier?" I asked when I regained some air, he looked down for a second as his smile grew bigger. He looked up at me with wild eyes that were hungry for death and pain. I swallowed loudly as he started to talk,

"Your brother talked a lot about you in his diary. That you were his happiness and joy... It was almost like he was talking about his daughter most of the time." My mouth suddenly went dry,

"What are you talking about Xavier!?" I screamed as I thrashed against my restraints, he laughed again.

"Xavier died a month after he moved to Texas!!!" My eyes widened and my mouth opened and closed, he once again surveyed my face.

"Why the shocked face Blair?" He asked with a fake pout and I looked down at my feet as I clenched my jaw. I squeezed my eyes shut trying to get an image of my brother from years ago... But I couldn't. I looked up at him and spat in his face, he backed away in disgust.

"I had an imposter in my family!!! What other emotion could I have?!?!?" I exploded and he laughed as he wiped his muzzle.

"WHO ARE IF NOT MY BROTHER!?!?" I demanded but I was punched across the face in response. My head snapped to the side and I groaned, my eyes burned with fury to his hit.

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO GET ANGRY WITH ME BITCH!!!" He yelled as he brought his leg up to his chest and then into my stomach, a gasp came out of my lungs and I hunched over.

"And I will not tolerate any disrespect... Especially from you." He whispered into my ear as he leaned in closer to me. I straightened myself out and I looked at him, he was less than 1/4 of an inch away from my face.

His breath smelt terrible, he had blackheads all over his nose, he had stubble on his chin which Xavier would have never let happen, and I couldn't get over his crazy eyes.

I brought my head back but then smashed it into his, he howled out in pain and I growled at him. He started to laugh and called for someone, another person entered giving him a leather coil. I kept my back straight as I heard the leather unravel onto what seemed to be a concrete floor.

I looked past him to see Adam frantically trying to get to me, as well as Cooper. Blood was seeping out of their wrists, suddenly the ripping of my skin made me zone back to myself. I screamed as he brought the whip back up and then down to my body again.

My shirt was ripped to shreds as was my flesh, blood was becoming a puddle on my lap. My breathing was uneven and pained, my eyes barely stayed open, I only could hear Adam's muffled yells for me and Cooper trying to calm him down.

The imposter started to beat them up with his fists and I tried to make him stop, but I couldn't say a word because I lost my voice halfway through my punishment.

My body started to tip over to my side, my vision was becoming clouded and I let myself drift into whatever this was.


My head was pounding and I had a stinging sensation on my torso. I groaned as I brought my hand up to touch my forehead... My eyes flew wide open and I was met with Adam sleeping. He had my head on his lap and his hand in mine, I took in my surroundings. It hadn't changed much... It was still a dark room but cleaner and we were all free from our bindings.

I sat up slowly but immense pain caused me to scream and everyone shot up. Adam forced me back down onto my back and told me not to move.

"Ey bastard!" He called across the room and he was met with a groan.

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