Chapter 39

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My mind was pounding as a continuous hissing matched up with my breathing and filled my ears. I opened my eyes and they rolled around as they adjusted to the bright light that was directed directly into my eyes. I clenched my fists as I tried to regain feeling in my arms, I felt soft linens and confusion grew inside me.

"Adam?" I croaked as I squeezed my eyes open and shut a couple of times.

"Where am I?" I murmured as I looked around and it looked familiar. I only remembered trying to get out of the school... it hit me and I shot up. I yelped at the pain that ran through my ribs and torso,

"We are back home," Adam said from the side of me, I turned my head to see him laid back in a chair. I relaxed suddenly as I saw him in his normal black attire that I missed so much. I propped myself up onto my elbows to look around... I brought one hand up to punch the bridge of my nose as my eyes burned.

"When did we get back? How did we get back? Where is Cooper?" I asked as I moved my fingers to my temples to relieve more pressure.

Adam sat there, making no noise and it concerned me. I looked over to him and he was blankly staring at the hardwood floor,


"You need to recover before I can tell you what happened Blair." He cut me off and I was taken aback by his sudden snap, he ran his hand over his face and then gripped both armrests.

"I'm sorry..." He walked up to the side of my bed,

"I've been under a lot of stress since we came back... from my thoughts being flooded with you to how to get our gang to stay together."

"It's okay. Just, please... Tell me... I want to know" I whispered as he leaned over and ran his fingers through my hair. He looked into my eyes and then he took my hand,

"We got here a couple of days ago..." he started

"You suddenly lost consciousness when we made it out of the school, so I and Cooper found a way to get out of there.

We almost didn't get out of the Academy alive. I was carrying you through the fence that Cooper cut open for us... when a group of Werner's men came out of nowhere and I was about to go back and help him... But he closed off my access to the property. I tried to talk him out of it... But... He told us to run and not to look back. That he would find us if he survived..." He stopped talking for a second to pull himself together,

"I got to the road and hailed down a car to drive us away... but before that, I saw Cooper get shot--"

"Stop," I interjected, tears slid down his face,

"I know what you are going to say next... and I don't want to hear that coming from you. He died saving us... He always wanted that. Wanted someone to die for." I said barely able to keep my voice from breaking. We sat there watching each other,

"Carter's mum was right... I did destroy the town. I can never go back."

"And I don't expect you to. I don't want you to go back there." Adam said harshly... but my mother ran through my mind

"I have to... but I'll only go once the murder case is closed. So I can take some of my things and lay my mum to rest..." The photos flashed in my head causing me to gasp for breath,

"You won't be alone... I'm never leaving you again." He said as he threw his legs up onto the bed and shimmied closer to me. He tapped on his chest to let me know that I can rest on him, so I did. I snuggled in closer to him when I remembered that the last time I did this was about 2 and a half months ago. Adam rested his chin on top of my head and whispered,

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