Chapter 32

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I had only seconds to figure out what to do. Everything seemed to move in slow motion... Like in a movie that seemed to never end. I grabbed Adam by his shirt and swung him out of the way, Werner's attack was suddenly transferred towards me. The blade was going to go straight into my chest if I didn't move fast.

I jumped back but not far enough to completely dodge him, the knife grazed my, already ripped up, torso. I hissed slightly but stayed on my feet nonetheless, the dark red liquid that was pouring out of me was starting to become extremely usual to me... Like it will always have to be like that.

It took me back to when I would cut myself for fun... So I could just feel something... Anything other than the constant numbness that I was always feeling. Just stop making me stop forcing a smile on my face when in fact... I had forgotten how to smile and laugh genuinely. It also took me back to when I was at Adam's house and I had gotten a sudden wave of needing to hurt myself, I didn't realize that I was slowly getting addicted to it and depended on it like nicotine. I locked myself in his guest bathroom and started carving away at my wrist, I watched as blood droplets grew on my wrist until they started to stream down my arm. They would morph together into one bigger drop before continuing to slide down my arm... It was sorta like connect the dots but instead of paper and pencils... It was blood and cuts. I would shudder in delight of feeling the pain and you'd expect me to cry or hiss as the blade, that I broke off of my shaver, cut through my skin. I didn't. I would start at the base of my palm and quickly drag the sharp edge across my thin, sensitive skin... I would work my way up my arm until I reached the crease where my forearm met my biceps. That was the first time Adam caught me doing that... He didn't react the way that Werner did. He was more... Gentle and calm when it came to it. He didn't make me promise not to do it anymore or to try not to do it... But he actually just took the small blade out of my hands and drew across his own wrist. I scrambled to stop him and he looked at me with sad eyes, he then told me that he used to be and still was addicted to hurting himself... But he only reserved himself to when it was just too hard for him and he would just do small, shallow scratches. After that... I slowly transferred from hurting myself when people talked shit about me, to talk to Adam when I needed it desperately. He did the same.

But now... We were in better places because of each other and we were used to each other's help when it came to fighting. This situation was no different... He was on Werner instantly after he realized what was supposed to happen if I didn't force him to move. He had Werner's arms pinned over top of his head and the knife clattered on the cement. I dove for it instantly and once it was in my hands, Adam let go of him and back up until he was beside me.

We stood in a defensive wall in front of Werner who was gasping on the floor. I was shocked that he was even able to move around with his collapsed lung and possibly broken collarbone, but yet he rolled onto his stomach and pushed himself onto his knees. He swayed back and forth as his knees shook from the loss of blood and weight that was forced on them. He laughed evilly as he saw Adam coming close to defend me from any attacks, I took a step towards him to show that I wasn't making him protect me. I wasn't weak or scared of him... I was quite the opposite.

"Blair." I looked up at Adam who was not breaking eye contact from Werners weakening from.

"Go and free the boys... we need as much power as possible." I nodded my head and took the keys out of his outstretched hand.

"I don't think they'll be able to help," I mentioned cause they looked extremely weak in their condition.

"They're in better shape than you are..." I shot him a confused look and this time he looked at me.

"They haven't been whipped, drowned and almost raped...They aren't hallucinating either."

"Hallucinating?" I breathed out with agitation and he nodded his head.

"Yes, Blair!! Hallucinating!! You got up after you were unconscious for hours with this look of terror on your face." He started to raise his voice,

"You ran to the door screaming and crying to be let out! You screamed so much that you woke him up and he came at you with the knife!!!!" He waved his hand to the knife that was in my hand and I just stared off.

"And when he came in... You attacked him!!! That's why he had to knock you out again and tie us up because we were trying to save you!!!" It all started to make sense to me suddenly... the knife... the vision of me screaming until I died.

"And you started drawing this unhealthy amount of strength from nowhere! It truly scaring everyone!"

"And yet you haven't left me! Or actually scared of me!!" I snapped at him completely forgetting everything around us.

"I haven't left because I PROMISED YOU THAT I WOULDN'T LEAVE YOU EVER AGAIN!!!! NO MATTER WHAT!!!! NO MATTER HOW MUCH WE YELL AT EACH OTHER!!! I!!! WON'T! LEAVE!!! YOU!!!" A laugh tore us from our argument, it was Werner. I snarled at him and pointed the weapon towards him... I was not in the mood to deal with his shit.

"I'd love to listen to you arguing all day... but don't you have anything better to be doing?"

"Shut up!!" I and Adam said in unison before looking back at each other. He gave me a look that told me 'do-as-you-are-told-or-else-you-will-wish-i-killed-you' I held my ground with my own determination to not submit. We clashed a lot since we both tried to be the ones on top... I'm an Aries and... apparently.... supposed to be compatible with Gemini BUT FUCKING HELL!!! This one drives me fucking nuts!!!! We always wanted to be the leader or sorta like the Alpha or Alpha-Female, most of the time I won but today I was just too drained to even put in half of my effort into this one. I groaned before rolling my eyes and trudging towards the boys, Adam seemed contempt to the fact I chose not to fight him.

"You're going to be staying right where you are, creep!" Adam growled as I sifted through the unreasonable amount of keys that there was. I came up to Carter, who looked more fucking beat up than before I was knocked out, I worked my way through the ring of keys, jingling each one in the keyhole hoping it was the right one.

One by one then chains slid off of the boys, Carter fell forward into a hump of beaten body and Cooper bolted to assist with Werner.

I dropped to my knees and lifted Carter's head onto my lap as I tried to see what was causing him to fall weakly. I grabbed the collar of his t-shirt and pulled it apart, it ripped down the middle effortlessly once I got it going. His torso was littered with black and purple bruises that were greening around the circumference of them.

He groaned as I placed my hand on one of his bruises... He was suffering from severe internal bleeding and need to get to the hospital ASAP. I craned my neck to see what they were doing to Werner and it was not a pretty fucking sight for me to see.

He tried to move his head but I stopped him right away.


"FUCKING BITCH BIT MEEEE!!!!" I heard Cooper screech and I couldn't help but snort slightly... It was short lived since the pain stopped me halfway through. I lurched forward, trying not to smother Carter, I felt more blood gush out of my wounds. I started to cough again and this time rusty flavor flooded out of my mouth.

"Ad---" I called out to him but another wave of bloody vomit hit me like a wreaking ball. Carter had shimmied off of my lap and onto the cold floor, he lay there watching me throw up blood. I heard Adam swear before telling Cooper to watch Werner.

I felt his hand on my back as I spilled more blood beside Carter's head.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU GIVE HER YOU TWISTED BASTARD!!!!!" Adam screamed and moved my hair out of the way. I heard him laugh through his cough and him groan.

"A mix... of many things. Her antidepressants, antipsychotics... stuff like that---" Adam inhaled sharply at the mention of my prescription that I haven't taken in a long time.

"Ingesting the mixture... she should be dead."

Who Knew I'd Be Back | (Editing In Progress)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin