Chapter 15

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I was wishing for the lunch bell to ring so badly so I could escape the grasp of Mr.Bishop. I looked down at my phone and then back up at Mr.Bishop. My knee was bouncing up and down in anticipation. It seemed like time was getting longer and longer, I promised to meet Cooper at lunch and tell him something more about me.

I know that everyone believes that I put too much trust in him but that's not true. Today was a test... to see if he tells Carter things about me. If he does then "Fuck you asshole get out". If not "Sup buddy. Here is something else you should know".

I shot out of the office when the bell rang ignoring anyone that was calling after me. I found my way through the sea of students towards the cafeteria. I was shoved into someone as the crowd moved towards the tables. I mumbled a sorry without looking up to see who it was. I felt someone looking at me from afar.

I just pushed down the uncomfortable feeling deep down and continued following the flow. I pushed forward through the crowd avoiding the boyfriend that was being a bitch to me and probably lurking around the cafeteria entrance. I suddenly felt a hand snake around my arm and pull me back into the crowd. My body was pressed up to another with my hands on their chest. I looked up and saw Copper's platinum hair, his charcoal black irises eyes met mine and he smiled at me. I swallowed loudly as my eyes drifted to the kids that were shoving past us.

"We should probably go outside." He whispered in my ear causing the hair on the back of my neck stand tall. I shivered slightly.

"Sure," I mumbled as he dragged me towards the side doors.


He leads me to a picnic table on the other side of the football field, beside the fence that marked the edge of school property. He was holding my hand gently as if I could fall apart any second if he gripped any harder. I sat down on one side and he sat on the other. He was wearing, what I guessed his usual, white hoodie, black jeans and hightops.

"So, how was detention with Mr.Bishop?" He asked as he leaned into his bag to retrieve something. I raised my eyebrow at him and smirked.

"Could've been better if I didn't go at all." I laughed and he did too.

"Yeah... I remember when I last got detention. I punched a kid in the face for talking shit about me. And Mr.Bishop just stared at me the whole entire time. Just waiting for me to shrink into a ball or something." He joked and I told him that's what happened during my detention.

"Have you lived in Vista your whole life?" He started poking at my past and I might as well tell him... since I promised him.

"No... actually. Before Vista, I lived in Wells, England... I was born there and moved when I was 10." I told him

"Why did you leave England? It's okay if you don't want to say--"

"No... It's fine. My father and younger sister died in an accident. My mother was just spiraling out of control there and we literally left everything there and started from scratch here." It hurt talking about my father and sister because I was so close to them and--- they died. Cooper looked at me with sad eyes.

"I never talk about them because I never... really... Recovered? From their deaths... I guess. Like no one expects your father and sister to come to pick someone up from a friend's and die on the way back." I told him.

"They died in... a car accident? Was there someone else who was part of this? Was there anyone else in the car?" Copper questioned and I lowered my head.

"Yes, it was a car accident. Yes, there was someone who caused it. And yes, there was someone else in that car... and she survived when she wasn't." I told him and looked up to meet his eyes.

"She was me."

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